Translation of "Stayed" in German

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Examples of using "Stayed" in a sentence and their german translations:

Everybody stayed.

Alle blieben.

I stayed.

- Ich blieb.
- Ich bin dageblieben.

Who stayed?

Wer blieb?

Tom stayed.

- Tom blieb.
- Tom ist geblieben.

She stayed.

Sie blieb.

He stayed.

Er blieb.

- I stayed at home.
- I stayed home.

- Ich blieb zu Hause.
- Ich bin zu Hause geblieben.

- I should've stayed.
- I should have stayed.

Ich hätte bleiben sollen.

- Tom stayed put.
- Tom stayed quiet.
- Tom stayed silent.
- Tom kept quiet.

Tom blieb still.

- You should've stayed away.
- They should've stayed away.

Sie hätten wegbleiben sollen.

Tom stayed calm.

Tom blieb ruhig.

Tom stayed home.

- Tom blieb zu Hause.
- Tom ist zu Hause geblieben.

He stayed alone.

Er blieb allein zurück.

Only Tom stayed.

Nur Tom ist geblieben.

Tom stayed awake.

Tom blieb wach.

Tom stayed close.

Tom blieb in der Nähe.

Tom stayed here.

Tom blieb hier.

Tom stayed outside.

Tom blieb draußen.

Tom stayed over.

Tom blieb über Nacht.

Tom stayed strong.

Tom blieb stark.

Tom stayed there.

Tom blieb dort.

Everyone stayed calm.

Alle blieben ruhig.

Tom stayed behind.

Tom blieb zurück.

Tom stayed silent.

Tom blieb still.

Tom stayed late.

Tom blieb bis spät.

Sami stayed outside.

Sami blieb draußen.

Tom stayed quiet.

Tom blieb lautlos.

He stayed awake.

Er blieb wach.

He stayed home.

Er blieb zu Hause.

She stayed home.

Sie blieb zu Hause.

- I should've stayed home.
- I should have stayed home.

Ich hätte zu Hause bleiben sollen.

- You should've stayed away.
- You should have stayed away.

- Du hättest wegbleiben sollen.
- Sie hätten wegbleiben sollen.
- Ihr hättet wegbleiben sollen.

- Tom should've stayed home.
- Tom should have stayed home.

Tom hätte zu Hause bleiben sollen.

- Tom should've stayed at home.
- Tom should've stayed home.

Tom hätte zu Hause bleiben sollen.

- He stayed in the hotel.
- He stayed at the hotel.
- He stayed at a hotel.

Er blieb im Hotel.

- He stayed in the hotel.
- He stayed at the hotel.

Er blieb im Hotel.

- She stayed at a hotel.
- She stayed at the hotel.

Sie blieb im Hotel.

- Tom stayed in his car.
- Tom stayed in the car.

- Tom blieb in seinem Wagen.
- Tom blieb in seinem Auto.

- Tom stayed at a hotel.
- Tom stayed at an inn.

Tom kam in einem Hotel unter.

- She stayed here by herself.
- He stayed here by himself.

Sie blieb allein hier.

The weather stayed bad.

Das Wetter blieb schlecht.

Tom stayed up late.

Tom ist lange aufgeblieben.

The boy stayed quiet.

Der Junge blieb still stehen.

I stayed at home.

Ich blieb daheim.

He stayed up late.

Er ist lange aufgeblieben.

Everything stayed the same.

Alles ist gleich geblieben.

We stayed three nights.

Wir blieben drei Nächte.

The potatoes stayed hot.

Die Kartoffeln blieben heiß.

Tom stayed at home.

Tom blieb zu Hause.

I should've stayed home.

Ich hätte zu Hause bleiben sollen.

He stayed at home.

Er blieb zu Hause.

She stayed with him.

Sie blieb bei ihm.

We stayed with Tom.

Wir sind bei Tom geblieben.

- You must have stayed up late.
- You must've stayed up late.

Du bist wohl lange aufgeblieben.

- I should have stayed in bed.
- I should've stayed in bed.

Ich hätte im Bett bleiben sollen.

- I stayed home all day.
- I stayed at home all day.

Ich bin den ganzen Tag zu Hause geblieben.

- I should've stayed in Boston.
- I should have stayed in Boston.

Ich hätte in Boston bleiben sollen.

- You should've stayed in Boston.
- You should have stayed in Boston.

- Du hättest in Boston bleiben sollen.
- Ihr hättet in Boston bleiben sollen.
- Sie hätten in Boston bleiben sollen.

- You could've stayed in Boston.
- You could have stayed in Boston.

Du hättest in Boston bleiben können.

- We should've stayed at home.
- We should have stayed at home.

Wir hätten zu Hause bleiben sollen.

- Tom should've stayed at home.
- Tom should have stayed at home.

Tom hätte zu Hause bleiben sollen.

- We should've both stayed awake.
- We should have both stayed awake.

Wir hätten beide wach bleiben sollen.

- We should've stayed with Tom.
- We should have stayed with Tom.

Wir hätten bei Tom bleiben sollen.

- I should've stayed with Tom.
- I should have stayed with Tom.

Ich hätte bei Tom bleiben sollen.

- I stayed home this summer.
- I stayed at home this summer.

Diesen Sommer bin ich zu Hause geblieben.

- We stayed at the Hilton Hotel.
- We stayed at the HIlton.

Wir stiegen im Hilton-Hotel ab.

- It being rainy, I stayed home.
- Since it rained, I stayed home.

Da es regnete, blieb ich zu Hause.

- He stayed at a nice hotel.
- She stayed at a nice hotel.

Er wohnte in einem netten Hotel.

- He stayed at a cheap hotel.
- I stayed at a cheap hotel.

Er wohnte in einem billigen Hotel.

- He stayed at a cheap hotel.
- She stayed at a cheap hotel.

- Er wohnte in einem billigen Hotel.
- Sie wohnte in einem billigen Hotel.

He agreed and I stayed.

Er willigte ein und ich blieb.

But he stayed that way.

Aber er ist so geblieben.

She stayed at a hotel.

Sie blieb im Hotel.

I stayed home all day.

- Ich bin den ganzen Tag zu Hause geblieben.
- Ich blieb den ganzen Tag zu Hause.