Translation of "Valiant" in French

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Examples of using "Valiant" in a sentence and their french translations:

He's a valiant soldier.

C'est un vaillant soldat.

Every dog is valiant at his own door.

Le chien compte sur la maison, et la poule sur le jardin.

The statue of the Minute Man commemorates the valiant soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War.

La statue du Minute Man rend hommage aux vaillants soldats qui ont combattu pendant la guerre d'indépendance.

"A king was ours, AEneas; ne'er was born / a man more just, more valiant in the fight, / more famed for piety and deeds of might."

" Un prince nous restait, fameux par sa valeur, / fameux par ses vertus ; ce prince, c'est Énée. "

Here warlike Epytus, renowned in fight, / and valiant Rhipeus gather to our side, / and Hypanis and Dymas, matched in might, join with us, by the glimmering moon descried. / Here Mygdon's son, Coroebus, we espied, / who came to Troy, Cassandra's love to gain, / and now his troop with Priam's hosts allied; / poor youth and heedless! whom in frenzied strain / his promised bride had warned, but warned, alas! in vain.

Aux clartés de la lune accourent sur mes pas, / et le sage Rhipée et le vaillant Dymas, / Hypanis qu'enflammait une ardente jeunesse, / Iphite encor bouillant en sa mâle vieillesse, / et le jeune Corèbe enfin, qui, dans ce jour, / pour Cassandre brûlant d'un trop funeste amour, / venait briguer sa main dans le champs de la gloire, / hélas ! et comme nous refusa de la croire.