Translation of "Howl" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Howl" in a sentence and their french translations:

Why do dogs howl?

Pourquoi les chiens hurlent-ils ?

Why do wolves howl?

Pourquoi les loups hurlent-ils ?

* Wolf howl * The wolf is

* Hurlement du loup *

- If you live with wolves, you must howl like them.
- If you live with wolves, you must howl like one.
- If you live with wolves, you will howl like one.

On doit hurler avec les loups.

Bruno loves to howl with the wolves under the full moon.

Bruno aime hurler avec les loups sous la pleine lune.

What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens.

Dans l'attente d'une réponse Alice fut surprise par un hurlement soudain. C'était un bruit retentissant, aigu au point de percer ses tympans, fort au point d'atteindre les cieux.

So, when the tempest bursting wakes the war, / the justling winds in conflict rave and roar, / South, West and East upon his orient car, / the lashed woods howl, and with his trident hoar / Nereus in foam upheaves the watery floor.

Tels, quand des vents rivaux les fières légions / se disputent de l'air les vastes régions, / le rapide Zéphyr, l'Autan plus prompt encore, / l'Eurus, fier de monter les coursiers de l'Aurore, / ébranlent les forêts, troublent la paix des airs, / et Neptune en courroux bouleverse les mers.