Translation of "Erect" in French

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Erect" in a sentence and their french translations:

Nobody intends to erect a wall.

Personne n'a l'intention d'ériger un mur.

My parents were able to erect a block apartment

mes parents ont pu ériger un appartement

And we are pleased that we are allowed to erect this building.

et nous sommes ravis de pouvoir ériger ce bâtiment.

Their breasts erect they rear amid the deep, / their blood-red crests above the surface shine, / their hinder parts along the waters sweep, / trailed in huge coils and many a tortuous twine.

Le cou dressé, levant une crête sanglante, / de leur tête orgueilleuse ils dominent les eaux ; / le reste au loin se traîne en immenses anneaux.