Translation of "Alban" in French

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Examples of using "Alban" in a sentence and their french translations:

- He also suffered many things in war, while he strove to found a city, and to bear his gods to Latium: from this place arose the Latin race, the Alban fathers, and the walls of exalted Rome.
- Yea, and more, / in war enduring, ere he built a home, / and his loved household-deities brought o'er / to Latium, whence the Latin people come, / whence rose the Alban sires, and walls of lofty Rome.

Lorsqu'il portait ses dieux chez ces fameux Albains, / nobles fils d'Ilion, et pères des Romains, / créait du Latium la race triomphale, / et des vainqueurs des rois la ville impériale !