Translation of "As " in Dutch

0.355 sec.

Examples of using "As " in a sentence and their dutch translations:

So as parents, as educators, as friends, as bosses

Als ouder, als onderwijzer, als vriend of als baas

- It's as clear as crystal.
- It's as clear as day.

- Dit is zo klaar als een klontje.
- Het is zo klaar als een klontje.

- Come as soon as possible.
- Come as soon as you can.
- Come as fast as you can.

Kom zo snel je kunt.

- I am as strong as you.
- I'm as strong as you.

- Ik ben zo sterk als gij.
- Ik ben net zo sterk als jij.

- He is as tall as I.
- He's as tall as me.

Hij is zo lang als ik.

- You're as big as me.
- You're as big as I am.

Jij bent net zo groot als ik.

- I am as tall as he.
- I'm as tall as he is.

Ik ben net zo groot als hij.

- Nothing is as precious as love.
- There's nothing as precious as love.

- Er is niets zo waardevol als de liefde.
- Niets is zo waardevol als de liefde.

- You're not as young as Tom.
- You aren't as young as Tom.

Jij bent niet zo jong als Tom.

- Tom is not as smart as me.
- Tom isn't as smart as I am.
- Tom isn't as smart as me.
- Tom isn't as intelligent as I am.

Tom is niet zo slim als ik.

- You are not as short as I.
- You aren't as short as I am.
- You aren't as short as me.

Je bent niet zo klein als ik.

- Tom is not as fat as me.
- Tom is not as fat as I am.
- Tom isn't as fat as I am.
- Tom isn't as fat as me.

Tom is niet zo dik als ik.

- You are twice as strong as I.
- You are twice as strong as I am.
- You are twice as strong as me.
- You're twice as strong as me.

Je bent twee keer zo sterk als ik.

As long as our reasons

Zolang onze redenen

For as long as possible

zo lang mogelijk,

It's as good as done.

Beschouw het als gedaan.

She's as busy as Tom.

Ze is net zo bezig als Tom.

I'm as tall as Tom.

Ik ben net zo groot als Tom.

He's as tall as me.

Hij is zo lang als ik.

Go as fast as possible.

- Ga zo snel als je kunt.
- Ga zo snel als jullie kunnen.

I'm as tall as you.

Ik ben zo lang als jou.

It's as cold as ice.

Het is ijskoud.

It's as clear as crystal.

Het is zo klaar als een klontje.

Read as much as possible.

Lees zo veel mogelijk.

It's as good as new.

Hij is zo goed als nieuw.

- As you wish.
- As you like.
- As you wish!

- Zoals u wilt!
- Zoals je wilt.
- Je zegt het maar.
- Wat je wil.

- He is as tall as his father.
- He's as tall as his father.

Hij is zo groot als zijn vader.

- He is as happy as a king.
- He's as happy as a king.

Hij is zo blij als een koning.

- Tom isn't as tall as I am.
- Tom isn't as tall as me.

Tom is niet zo groot als ik.

- Tom isn't as rich as Mary.
- Tom isn't as rich as Mary is.

Tom is niet zo rijk als Maria.

- I'm as old as he is.
- I am as old as he is.

Ik ben even oud als hij.

- Tom isn't as tall as Mary.
- Tom is not as tall as Mary.

Tom is niet zo lang als Maria.

- I'll come as soon as I can.
- I'll come as soon as possible.

Ik kom zodra ik kan.

- Tom was as nervous as Mary.
- Tom was as nervous as Mary was.

Tom was net zo nerveus als Mary.

- Mine is not as good as yours.
- Mine isn't as good as yours.

De mijne is niet zo goed als de jouwe.

- Tom is as busy as Mary.
- Tom is as busy as Mary is.

Tom heeft het net zo druk als Mary.

- Tom swims as well as Mary does.
- Tom swims as well as Mary.

Tom zwemt net zo goed als Mary.

- Tom isn't as efficient as Mary.
- Tom isn't as efficient as Mary is.

Tom is niet zo efficiënt als Mary.

- They are as poor as church mice.
- They're as poor as church mice.

Ze zijn zo arm als ratten.

- You aren't as short as I am.
- You aren't as short as me.

Je bent niet zo klein als ik.

- You are as tall as I am.
- You're as tall as I am.

Jij bent net zo groot als ik.

- You are twice as strong as I.
- You are twice as strong as I am.
- You are twice as strong as me.

Je bent twee keer zo sterk als ik.

- He is twice as old as I.
- He is twice as old as I am.
- He is twice as old as me.

Hij is twee keer zo oud als ik.

- Take as many peaches as you like.
- Take as many peaches as you want.

Neem zo veel perziken als je wilt.

- Kyoto is not as large as Osaka.
- Kyoto is not as big as Osaka.

Kioto is niet zo groot als Osaka.

- Belgium is not as big as France.
- Belgium is not as large as France.

België is niet zo groot als Frankrijk.

- He teaches mathematics as well as English.
- He teaches maths as well as English.

Hij geeft les in wiskunde en ook in Engels.

- Japan is not as large as Canada.
- Japan is not as big as Canada.

Japan is niet zo groot als Canada.

- It's not as bad as it seems.
- It's not as bad as it looks.

Het is niet zo erg als het lijkt.

- She's not as innocent as she seems.
- She isn't as innocent as she seems.

Ze is niet zo onschuldig als ze eruitziet.

- It's not quite as simple as that.
- It isn't quite as simple as that.

Het is niet echt zo eenvoudig.

- It's not as simple as it seems.
- It isn't as simple as it seems.

Het is niet zo eenvoudig als het lijkt.

- Tom wasn't as surprised as everyone else.
- Tom wasn't as surprised as everybody else.

- Tom was niet zo verrast als de rest.
- Tom was niet zo verrast als de anderen.

- Tom isn't as daring as he looks.
- Tom isn't as daring as he seems.

Tom is niet zo moedig als hij lijkt.

I ate as many as hot dogs as I could.

Ik at zoveel hotdogs als ik kon.

- Tom ran as fast as he could.
- Tom ran as fast as he was able to.
- Tom ran as quickly as he could.

Tom rende zo snel als hij kon.

While being as open as possible.

terwijl we zo open mogelijk zijn.

As fast as the dark arrived,

Zo snel als het donker arriveerde...

We're as good as dead now.

- We zijn nu nagenoeg dood.
- We zijn op het ogenblik zo goed als dood.

You look as healthy as ever.

Ge ziet er zo gezond uit als altijd.

Nothing is as precious as love.

Niets is zo waardevol als de liefde.

Meg is as tall as Ken.

Meg is even groot als Ken.

Tom is as tall as Jim.

Tom is even lang als Jim.

I'm as hungry as a bear.

- Ik heb honger als een paard.
- Ik rammel van de honger.

Run as fast as you can.

Ren zo snel als je kan.

Please speak as clearly as possible.

Spreek alsjeblieft zo duidelijk mogelijk.