Translation of "Odaya" in English

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Examples of using "Odaya" in a sentence and their english translations:

Odaya girmemelisin.

You must not enter the room.

Odaya gel.

Come into the room.

Odaya gittim.

I went to the room.

Odaya gir.

Enter the room.

Odaya daldı.

He went into the room with guns blazing.

Odaya izinsiz girme.

- Don't enter the room without leave.
- Don't enter the room without permission.

Küçük odaya sıkıştırıldık.

We were crowded into the small room.

Birisi odaya girdi.

Someone entered the room.

Kedi odaya kaçtı.

The cat ran away into the room.

Kız odaya girdi.

The girl entered the room.

Kimseyi odaya girdirme.

Don't let anyone enter the room.

O, odaya gitti.

She came into the room.

O, odaya geldi.

He came into the room.

Gizlice odaya sokuldu.

- She sneaked into the room.
- She snuck into the room.

Tom odaya bakındı.

Tom looked around the room.

Diğer odaya gidelim.

Let's go in the other room.

Başka odaya gideceğiz.

We're going to go into the other room.

Tom odaya döndü.

Tom came back inside the room.

Tom odaya daldı.

Tom rushed into the room.

Tom odaya girdi.

Tom stepped inside the room.

Çocuklarını odaya çağırdı.

She called her children into the room.

Zorla odaya girdi.

He forced his way into the room.

Mayuko odaya girdi.

Mayuko entered the room.

Bu odaya giremezsin.

You're not allowed in this room.

Tom odaya yürüdü.

Tom walked into the room.

Tom odaya baktı.

Tom looked into the room.

O odaya girdi.

He entered the room.

O odaya girme.

- Don't go in that room.
- Don't enter that room.

O odaya girmeyin.

Don't go in that room.

O odaya giremezsin.

You may not enter that room.

Tom odaya koştu.

Tom ran into the room.

Onlar odaya girdiler.

They entered the room.

Hemen odaya gir.

Enter the room at once.

Derhal odaya gel.

Come into the room at once.

Tom odaya geldi.

Tom came into the room.

Odaya girmememizi tembihledi.

He warned us not to enter the room.

Tom odaya bakıyordu.

Tom was looking around the room.

Ben odaya koştum.

I ran into the room.

Odaya geri dön.

Go back in the room.

Aniden odaya girdi.

He suddenly entered the room.

Leyla odaya girdi.

Layla entered the room.

Ben odaya bakındım.

I looked around the room.

Yanlış odaya girdim.

I went into the wrong room.

Sami odaya gitti.

Sami went to the room.

Koşarak odaya girdi.

She ran into the room.

- Bu odaya kimseyi sokma.
- Bu odaya kimseyi almayın.
- Bu odaya kimsenin girmesine izin vermeyin.
- Bu odaya hiç kimseyi sokmayın.
- Bu odaya hiç kimse girmesin.

- Don't let anyone in this room.
- Don't let anybody in this room.
- No one gets in this room.

- O, odaya girmeye karar verdi.
- Odaya girmeye karar verdi.

He decided to enter the room.

Bebek, sürünerek odaya girdi.

The baby crept into the room.

Çocuk odaya koşarak geldi.

The boy came running into the room.

Arka kapıdan odaya girdik.

We entered the room by the back door.

Adam bitişik odaya girdi.

The man entered the next room.

Odaya girdiğinde şapkanı çıkar.

Take off your hat when you come into a room.

O, sessizce odaya girdi.

She quietly entered the room.

O, beni odaya çağırdı.

She beckoned me into the room.

Onun odaya girdiğini gördüm.

I saw her enter the room.

Parlayan gözleriyle odaya girdi.

He came into the room with his eyes shining.

O, koşarak odaya geldi.

He came running into the room.

O, odaya doğru gitti.

He made his way to the room.

O, aceleyle odaya daldı.

He burst into the room.

Onun odaya girişini gördüm.

We saw her enter the room.

Onu odaya kadar izledim.

I followed her into the room.

Tam odaya girmek üzereydik.

We were just about to enter the room.

Odaya her gelenle konuştu.

He spoke to whoever came into the room.

Odaya girdiğimde onu gördüm.

I caught sight of him as I entered the room.

Benden sonra odaya gel.

Come into the room after me.

Tom odaya dikkatlice bakındı.

Tom looked around the room carefully.

Odaya bir fare geldi.

A mouse came into the room.

Biri beni odaya kilitledi.

Someone locked me in the room.

Tom bitişik odaya gitti.

Tom went into the next room.

Tom odaya geri geldi.

Tom came back into the room.

Tom gizlice odaya girdi.

- Tom sneaked into the room.
- Tom tiptoed into the room.

Tom sessizce odaya girdi.

Tom quietly entered the room.

Tom yavaşça odaya bakındı.

Tom slowly looked around the room.

Tom bitişik odaya girdi.

Tom went into the adjoining room.

Odaya kadar beni izleyin.

Follow me into the room.

Odaya parfüm kokusu yayıldı.

The room was pervaded with the scent of perfume.

Odaya girdiğimde, piyano çalıyordu.

When I entered the room, she was playing the piano.

Tom Mary'yi odaya itti.

Tom pushed Mary into the room.

Odaya girerken kalbi çırpındı.

Her heart fluttered as he entered the room.

Tom boş odaya bakındı.

Tom looked around the empty room.

Birinin odaya girdiğini duydum.

I heard someone come into the room.

Anahtar olmadan odaya giremezdi.

Without the key, she could not have entered the room.

Odaya girdim, insanlarla doluydu.

I entered the room, which was full of people.

Tom çekinmeden odaya girdi.

Tom entered the room without hesitation.

Onun babası odaya girdi.

Her father entered the room.