Translation of "Tomó" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Tomó" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tomó fotos

Did you take photos

Tomó mucho ayer.

He drank a lot yesterday.

Tom lo tomó.

Tom took it.

Tom tomó algo.

Tom took something.

¿Qué calle tomó?

What street did he take?

Ella tomó leche.

She drank milk.

- Ella tomó el mío prestado.
- Ella tomó la mía prestada.

She borrowed mine.

- Usted tomó demasiado.
- Tomaron demasiado.
- Tomó demasiado.
- Ustedes tomaron demasiado.

- You drank too much.
- You've drunk too much.

Nos tomó 400 días.

It took 400 days.

Tomó algo de tiempo,

Look, it took some time --

Me tomó del brazo.

He took me by the arm.

¿Cómo tomó la noticia?

How did he take the news?

Alain tomó una decisión.

Alain made a decision.

¿Quién tomó el dinero?

Who took the money?

Tomás tomó una cerveza.

Tom had a beer.

Construirlo tomó muchos años.

It took several years to build it.

Él tomó un atajo.

He took a short cut.

Ella tomó notas copiosas.

She took copious notes.

Ella tomó un taxi.

She took a cab.

Alguien tomó mi asiento.

Someone took my place.

- Tomaron demasiado.
- Tomó demasiado.

You drank too much.

- Tomó tiempo.
- Llevó tiempo.

It took time.

Eso tomó 30 minutos.

That took thirty minutes.

Esto tomó tres años.

It took three years.

Tomó helado hasta hartarse.

He gorged himself on ice cream.

Ella tomó su libro.

She took his book.

Tom tomó una silla.

Tom grabbed a chair.

Me tomó seis meses

It took me six months

El escritor tomó vino.

The writer drank wine.

Tomó prestado dos libros.

He borrowed two books.

Tom tomó una aspirina.

Tom took an aspirin.

Sami tomó su teléfono.

Sami picked up his phone.

Alguien tomó mi lugar.

Someone took my place.

¿Quién tomó mi bolso?

Who took my bag?

- Tom tomó notas durante la clase.
- Tom tomó apuntes durante la clase.

Tom took notes during class.

- Tomó una foto del precioso paisaje.
- Tomó una fotografía del precioso paisaje.

He took a picture of the beautiful landscape.

- El médico me tomó el pulso.
- El doctor me tomó el pulso.

- The doctor felt my pulse.
- The doctor took my pulse.

El gobierno tomó una decisión,

The government has decided -

La construcción tomó 5 años

construction took 5 years

El juicio tomó muchos años.

The trial took many years

Se tomó una semana libre.

He took a week off.

Él me tomó el brazo.

He caught me by the arm.

Él tomó veneno por error.

He took poison by mistake.

Me tomó un rato convencerla.

- It took me some time to persuade her.
- I needed time to convince her.

Tom tomó el tren equivocado.

- Tom got on the wrong train.
- Tom took the wrong train.

Tom tomó el bus equivocado.

Tom took the wrong bus.

Tom tomó muchas decisiones inteligentes.

Tom made a lot of smart decisions.

Esto sólo tomó una hora.

It took just an hour.

- ¿Qué tomó ella?
- ¿Qué bebió?

What did she drink?

Se tomó la semana libre.

He took a week off.

Él tomó la decisión correcta.

He made the right choice.

Ella tomó la decisión correcta.

She made the right choice.

Él tomó una mala decisión.

He made a bad decision.

Me tomó varias horas prepararlo.

It took me several hours to prepare it.

Me tomó varias horas repararlo.

It took me several hours to repair it.

Me tomó varias horas programarlo.

It took me several hours to program it.

Me tomó varias horas reprogramarlo.

It took me several hours to reprogram it.

Me tomó varias horas lavarlo.

It took me several hours to wash it.

Me tomó varias horas limpiarla.

It took me several hours to clean it.

Me tomó varias horas coserlo.

It took me several hours to sew it.

Me tomó varias horas encontrarlo.

It took me several hours to find it.

Me tomó varias horas abrirlo.

It took me several hours to open it.

Me tomó varias horas decifrarlo.

It took me several hours to decypher it.

Cocinarlo me tomó varias horas.

It took me several hours to cook it.

Me tomó varias horas leerlo.

It took me several hours to read it.

Me tomó varias horas armarlo.

It took me several hours to assemble it.

Terminarlo me tomó varias horas.

It took me several hours to finish it.

Ella tomó un gran riesgo.

She took a big risk.

Tom tomó raticida por accidente.

Tom accidentally ate some rat poison.

Tom se tomó la mañana.

Tom took the morning off.

¿Dónde se tomó esta foto?

Where was this picture taken?

Él le tomó el brazo.

He grabbed her arm.

Tomó menos de cinco minutos.

It took less than five minutes.

Ella se tomó un analgésico.

She took a painkiller.

Tom tomó la vía incorrecta.

Tom went the wrong way.

Tom tomó un gran riesgo.

Tom took a big risk.

Ella no tomó una siesta.

She didn't take a siesta.