Translation of "Tantas" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Tantas" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tengo tantas ideas.

I have so many ideas.

Compraré tantas botellas mañana.

I'm buying so many bottles tomorrow.

¡Hay tantas casas aquí!

There are so many houses here.

Ni obtendrán tantas sugerencias.

or getting as many suggestions, right?

- Estuvimos de fiesta hasta las tantas.
- Estuvimos de parranda hasta las tantas.

We partied into the small hours.

Esto me abrió tantas puertas

It opened so many more avenues for me,

Me dio tantas nuevas oportunidades

gave me so many new opportunities

Las mujeres tienen tantas inhibiciones.

You know, women, they have so many inhibitions.

Pero con tantas madres protectoras

But with so many protective mothers around,

Tantas cosas interesantes están sucediendo.

There are so many interesting things going on.

Dejá de hacer tantas preguntas.

Stop asking so many questions.

Tengo tantas cosas que hacer.

I have so many things to do.

No te hagas tantas esperanzas.

Don't get your hopes up too much.

Gracias por enseñarme tantas cosas.

- Thank you for teaching me so many things.
- Thank you for showing me so many things.

Hay tantas herramientas por ahí

There's so many tools out there

Y que hay tantas experiencias distintas

and there are so many different experiences

Porque había tantas piedras del cielo

because there were so many sky stones

Tengo tantas cosas que no necesito.

I have so many things I don't need.

Tengo tantas cosas que quiero decirte.

I have so many things I want to say to you.

Hay tantas cosas que quiero decirte.

There's so much I want to say to you.

¿Por qué haces siempre tantas preguntas?

Why do you always ask so many questions?

No suceden tantas cosas de momento.

There's not a lot happening at the moment.

Aún tengo tantas preguntas que hacerte.

I still have so many questions to ask you.

No veo tantas diferencias entre ellos.

I don't see much difference between them.

Hay tantas cosas que quiero preguntar.

- There are so many things that I want to ask.
- There are so many things I want to ask.

Tantas preguntas y tan pocas respuestas.

So many questions and so few answers.

tantas acciones y tráfico de Twitter.

as many Twitter shares and traffic.

- No me hagas tantas preguntas, usá la cabeza.
- No me preguntes tantas cosas. ¡Usa la cabeza!

Don't ask me so many questions. Use your head.

Hay tantas mujeres que han sufrido MGF

There are so many women out there who have gone through FGM

En donde tantas personas nos han mostrado

where so many people today have shown us

Que pueda ayudar a tratar tantas enfermedades.

that would be able to help with so many illnesses.

Se ha tomado tantas molestias para nada.

He has taken all this trouble for nothing.

Tras tantas citas, por fin se besaron.

After so many dates, they finally kissed.

Tom deseó no haberse comido tantas tortas.

Tom wished he hadn't eaten so much pie.

Leí hasta las tantas de la madrugada.

I read until the small hours of the morning.

Y, como tantas personas, quería perder peso

and like many people, I wanted to lose weight.

Hice tantas cosas que me sentí cansado.

I did so much that I felt tired.

Y no vas a obtener tantas visualizaciones.

and you're not gonna get as many views.

Tiene tantos matices y tantas texturas y complejidad,

it is so nuanced and so textured and so complex,

Vamos a necesitar tantas herramientas como podamos conseguir

And we're going to need to marshal as many of these tools as we can

Segundo, no necesita comer tantas moscas por año.

And two, it doesn't need to eat that many flies throughout the year.

Que hay tantas cigüeñas aquí de nuevo hoy.

that there are so many storks here again today.

No puedo responder tantas preguntas a la vez.

I cannot answer so many questions at a time.

Le sale humo del cerebro, con tantas ideas.

His brain bubbles with new ideas.

Asegúrate de que no preguntes tantas preguntas estúpidas.

Make sure you don't ask too many stupid questions.

Después de tantas visitas queremos descansar un poco.

After so many visits, we want to rest a little.

Había hecho tantas cosas peligrosas en mi vida,

I had done so many dangerous things in my life,

¿Cómo conseguiste tantas cosas en tan poco tiempo?

How did you do so much in so little time?

Porque no tenía tantas cosas con las que jugar.

because I didn't have that many things to play with.

Hay que hablar con tantas personas como sea posible,

we have to talk to as many people as possible

La razón principal por la que tantas economías asiáticas,

The main reason why so many Asian economies,

Debemos rastrear y capturar tantas criaturas venenosas como podamos.

So we gotta track down and capture as many poisonous creatures as we can.

Durante este tiempo participó en tantas obras diferentes que

During this time he took part in so many different works that

¿Por qué tienes que volar tantas curvas a Frankfurt?

Why do you have to fly so many curves to Frankfurt?

- Cuantos hombres, tantos pareceres.
- Hay tantas personas como opiniones.

- Many men, many minds.
- So many heads, so many minds.

Tom me solía hacer tantas preguntas acerca de Boston.

Tom used to ask me so many questions about Boston.

Nadie sabe tantas historias como el dios del sueño.

Nobody knows as many stories as the god of sleep.

Nos preguntamos entonces por qué, después de tantas investigaciones,

So why is it that after so much research,

Él seguía repitiéndose que no debía decir tantas mentiras.

He kept saying to himself that he must not tell so many lies.

No hace falta que me lo repitas tantas veces.

It's not necessary that you repeat it to me so many times.

¿por qué no tratar un dolor que tantas personas padecen?

Why don't we deal with this problem which so many people face?

Como está loco por las películas, ve tantas como puede.

Since he's crazy about movies, he watches as many movies as he can.

Estoy muy feliz que esta frase ya tenga tantas traducciones.

I am very glad that this sentence has so many translations already.

Entonces queman tantas calorías como en 5 minutos de aerobic,

then you burn as many calories as in 5 minutes of aerobic exercise,

He mencionado todas esas herramientas tantas veces en mis videos

I've mentioned all those tools so many times on my videos.

Y si no obtienes tantas visualizaciones, ¿qué va a pasar?

And if you don't get as many views, what's gonna happen?

Y que tantas dudas nos han creado durante estos últimos años?

and so much doubt in the past few years?

Nunca antes las mujeres han gozado de tantas oportunidades como hoy

Never have women had as many opportunities as they do now.

Escribí tantas canciones de amor tristes que recibía mensajes como este:

I'd written so many sad love songs that I got messages like this from fans:

Por qué hay tantas chicas que se ponen en riesgo trabajando

why are there so many girls running risks

Nunca hubiera pensado que el reloj cucú viniera con tantas variaciones.

I would never have thought that the cuckoo clock came in so many variations.

Hay tantas estrellas en el cielo que no puedo contarlas todas.

- There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them all.
- There are so many stars in the sky that I can't count them all.

Tengo tantas cosas que decirte que no sé por dónde empezar.

- There are so many things to tell you that I don't know where to start.
- I have so many things to tell you that I don't know where to start.

Tengo tantas cosas para decirte que no sé por dónde empezar.

There are so many things to tell you that I don't know where to start.

Se sorprendió al encontrar tantas cosas bonitas dentro de la caja.

She was surprised to find many beautiful things in the box.

Habiéndolo oído tantas veces, ahora puedo recitar el poema de memoria.

Having heard it so many times, I can recite the poem by heart now.

Hay tantas maneras diferentes de lograr esto solo tienes que conseguir

There's so many different ways to accomplish this,

- David tiene tantas amigas que no puede acordarse de los nombres de todas.
- David tiene tantas novias que no consigue recordar el nombre de todas ellas.

David has so many girlfriends that he can't remember all of their names.

He contado esta historia tantas veces que ya no recuerdo su nombre

I’ve been telling this story so long I don’t remember his name.

Por eso, tantas historias de amor empiezan con la mirada, ¿o no?

That's why so many love stories start with a look, isn't it?

Ganó tantas batallas que Napoleón lo aclamó 'L'enfant gâté de la victoire'

He won so many battles that Napoleon acclaimed him ‘L’enfant gâté de la victoire’

El autor no pensó que su novela daría lugar a tantas interpretaciones.

The author didn't think his novel would generate so many interpretations.

Te lo he dicho tantas veces que ya he perdido la cuenta.

I've told you so many times that I've lost count.

Evitará que alguien se suicide, cuando hay tantas otras formas de suicidarse!

going to stop somebody from committing suicide when there are so many other ways to commit suicide.

Hay tantas experiencias en la vida que nunca nos atrevemos a explorar.

There are so many experiences in life that we never dare to explore.

- ¿Por qué en el mundo hay tantas personas deshonestas?
- ¿Por qué hay tanta gente deshonesta en el mundo?
- ¿Por qué hay tantas personas deshonestas en el mundo?

Why are there so many dishonest people in the world?

Debemos reemplazar los antídotos. Debemos rastrear y capturar tantas criaturas venenosas como podamos.

[Bear] We need to replace that anti-venom. So we gotta track down and capture as many poisonous creatures as we can.