Translation of "Casas" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Casas" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tengo algunas casas.

I have some houses.

¿Cuántas casas tienes?

How many houses do you have?

- Estas casas tienen 500 años.
- Esas casas tienen quinientos años.

Those houses are 500 years old.

¡Pero qué espléndidas casas!

What splendid houses they are!

Construyo casas de piedra.

I build houses out of stone.

Vendí todas mis casas.

I sold all my houses.

Él tiene dos casas.

He has two houses.

Diez casas se incendiaron.

Ten houses were burned down.

Esas casas son grandes.

Those houses are big.

No quiero sus casas.

- I do not want your houses.
- I don't want your houses.

Vivimos en casas distintas.

We live in remote houses.

Vimos casas antiguas derrumbadas.

We saw collapsed ancient houses.

¡Hay tantas casas aquí!

There are so many houses here.

- Diez casas fueron destruidas por el fuego.
- Diez casas se incendiaron.

Ten houses were burned down.

Comienzas a ver las casas.

start to see the houses.

Eran departamentos o casas vacías.

They were vacant apartments or homes.

El tifón destruyó muchas casas.

The typhoon destroyed many houses.

El fuego quemó diez casas.

The fire burnt ten houses down.

Había muchas casas en llamas.

A lot of houses were on fire.

Los animales invadieron las casas.

Animals invaded the houses.

Las termitas destruyen las casas.

Termites are destroying the houses.

Las casas se están quemando.

The houses are burning.

Esas casas tienen quinientos años.

Those houses are 500 years old.

No hay casas por aquí.

There are no houses around here.

La bomba destruyó tres casas.

The bomb destroyed three houses.

El incendio destruyó tres casas.

The fire destroyed three houses.

Esas casas son todas iguales.

Those houses are all alike.

Las casas japonesas son pequeñas.

Japanese houses are small.

Ellos incendiaron casas y graneros.

They set fire to houses and farm buildings.

El incendio destruyó 10 casas.

The fire burnt ten houses down.

- Ella no sabe quién construyó esas casas.
- No sabe quién construyó esas casas.

- He doesn't know who built those houses.
- She doesn't know who built those houses.

- Él no sabe quién construyó esas casas.
- No sabe quién construyó esas casas.

He doesn't know who built those houses.

Si visitáramos alguna de estas casas,

So if we would visit any of these homes,

Construir casas cerca unas de otras

build houses close to one another

- ¿Quieres casarte conmigo?
- ¿Te casas conmigo?

Will you marry me?

Él restaura casas viejas en España.

He renovates old houses in Spain.

Ofrecemos casas prefabricadas a precios razonables.

We offer low-cost prefabricated houses.

A lo lejos vimos unas casas.

We saw some houses in the distance.

El policía visitó todas las casas.

The policeman visited all the houses.

No aventurarse fuera de vuestras casas.

Do not venture outside your homes.

Esas casas son de mi tío.

- Those houses are my uncle's.
- These houses are my uncle's.

Ese arquitecto construye casas muy modernas.

That architect builds very modern houses.

Hasta ahora ha construido dos casas.

He has built two houses so far.

Las casas blancas son muy altas.

The white houses are very tall.

Cada dos casas tienen un coche.

Every second house has a car.

- Un arquitecto diseña y crea casas y edificios.
- Una arquitecta diseña y crea casas y edificios.

An architect designs and creates houses and buildings.

Visito a mis familias en sus casas,

I visit my families at their home.

Prueben entrar a sus casas y decir:

Try coming home and say:

Así que cambiamos esas casas por personas.

So we changed these houses into people.

Hay unas 21 casas en esta comunidad

There are about twenty-one houses in this compound,

Finalmente se comienza a ver las casas.

finally begins to see the houses.

Tiene 35 casas. Eso es una locura.

There are 35 houses on it. That's insane.

Cuánta tecnología moderna hay en las casas .

how much modern technology is in the houses .

Las casas grandes son costosas para vivir.

Large houses are expensive to live in.

Hay mucha gente tratando de comprar casas.

There are many people trying to buy houses.

Las casas de madera se incendian fácilmente.

Wooden houses easily catch fire.

Hay muchas casas abandonadas en el vecindario.

There are a lot of abandoned houses in the neighborhood.

Tom tiene dos casas y un bote.

Tom owns two houses and a boat.

Hay muchas casas destruidas por el terremoto.

There are many houses destroyed by the earthquake.

Ella no sabe quién construyó esas casas.

She doesn't know who built these houses.

Todas las casas tienen que estar afumadas.

All of the houses need to be lived in.

Mi amigo quiere negociar con casas sudamericanas.

My friend wants to do business with South American firms.

Salieron de sus casas sin perder tiempo.

They lost no time in leaving their home.

Él no sabe quién construyó esas casas.

He doesn't know who built those houses.

Creo que el estado físico de nuestras casas

I believe that the physical state of our homes

Al rey de las casas móviles de lujo.

to the king of luxury mobile homes.

Hemos agrupado grupos más grandes de casas, a

We have grouped together larger groups of houses,

Su tío posee no menos que diez casas.

His uncle owns no fewer than ten houses.

Un canal fluía entre dos corridas de casas.

A canal flowed between two rows of houses.

Varias casas fueron arrastradas por la gran inundación.

Several houses were carried away by the great flood.

Los hombres construyen casas, las mujeres construyen hogares.

Men make houses, women make homes.

Dentro de las casas japonesas quítate los zapatos.

Remove your shoes in a Japanese house.