Translation of "Pararse" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Pararse" in a sentence and their english translations:

No necesitan pararse.

You don't have to stop.

Sin ni siquiera poder pararse.

seemingly without ever being able to stop.

Tom tiene problemas para pararse en una pierna.

Tom has trouble standing on one leg.

- No necesitan pararse.
- No hace falta que te pares.

- You needn't stand up.
- You don't need to stand up.

Solo podían pararse afuera a través de una ventana tan pequeña

They could only stand outside

Con sus alas anchas, este murciélago puede pararse virtualmente en el aire

With its broad wings, this bat can virtually stand in the air

- No hace falta que os levantéis.
- No necesitan pararse.
- No hace falta que te pares.

- You needn't stand up.
- You don't need to stand up.
- You don't have to stand up.
- You haven't got to stand up.

El lago se congeló, pero no estoy seguro de si el hielo es lo suficientemente fuerte para pararse sobre él.

The lake has frozen over but I'm not sure the ice is strong enough to walk on.