Translation of "Juntarnos" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Juntarnos" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Cuándo podemos juntarnos?

When can we get together?

Prometimos juntarnos en el colegio.

We made a promise to meet at school.

Vamos a juntarnos el domingo.

Let's get together on Sunday.

Pensé que podríamos juntarnos más tarde.

- I thought we could get together later.
- I thought that we could get together later.

- ¡Juntémonos de nuevo!
- ¡Volvamos a juntarnos!

- Let's get together again.
- Let's get together again!

Hicimos un hábito de juntarnos regularmente.

We make it a rule to get together at regular intervals.

Tenemos que juntarnos a beber alguna vez.

We must get together for a drink some time.

Tal vez podríamos juntarnos alguna vez y almorzar.

Maybe we could get together sometime and have lunch.

- A lo mejor nos podríamos juntar alguna vez y almorzar.
- Tal vez podríamos juntarnos alguna vez y almorzar.

Maybe we could get together sometime and have lunch.