Translation of "Fadil" in English

0.048 sec.

Examples of using "Fadil" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Fadil me va a matar.
- Fadil va a matarme.

Fadil is going to kill me.

- Fadil lo intentó otra vez.
- Fadil lo intentó de nuevo.
- Fadil lo volvió a intentar.

Fadil tried again.

Fadil está enamorado de otra.

Fadil is in love with someone else.

Fadil era un clásico manipulador.

Fadil was a classic manipulator.

Fadil es un sociópata desalmado.

Fadil is a heartless sociopath.

El padre de Fadil era alcohólico.

Fadil's father was alcoholic.

Fadil se sentía desamparado y abandonado.

Fadil felt neglected and abandoned.

Fadil estaba actuando como un niño.

Fadil was acting like a child.

Fadil está enamorado de otra mujer.

Fadil is in love with another woman.

Fadil llevó a Layla a casa.

Fadil brought Layla home.

A Fadil le dispararon múltiples veces.

Fadil was shot multiple times.

Fadil escondió las armas en el coche.

Fadil stashed the weapons in the car.

Fadil estaba enamorado de su coche nuevo.

Fadil was in love with his new car.

Fadil se enamoró de una mujer egipcia.

Fadil fell for an Egyptian woman.

Fadil violó a Layla y la abandonó.

Fadil raped Layla and abandoned her.

Cuando me casé, di mi palabra a Fadil.

When I got married, I gave my oath to Fadil.

Fadil llevó a Layla a una casa abandonada.

Fadil took Layla into an abandoned house.

A Fadil le arrestaron por secuestrar a un menor.

Fadil was arrested for kidnapping a minor.

Fadil le prometió a Layla una vida de riquezas.

Fadil promised Layla a life of riches.

La banda llegó a ser la familia de Fadil.

The gang became Fadil's family.

Fadil salió de su vehículo y entró a la casa abandonada.

Fadil exited his vehicle and went inside the abandoned house.

Fadil condujo el coche a una casa abandonada y lo escondió.

Fadil drove the car to an abandoned house and stashed it.

Nunca sabremos cómo Fadil logró que lo exoneraran de ambos crímenes.

We will never know how Fadil managed to be acquitted of both of those crimes.

Fadil abandonó a Layla después de que le quitara la virginidad.

Fadil abandoned Layla after he had taken her virginity.

Estaba claro que Fadil y Layla estuvieron envueltos en un fugaz romance.

It was clear that Fadil and Layla were involved in a whirlwind romance.

El amor de Fadil por Layla era una mentira y estaba destinado a fracasar desde el comienzo.

Fadil's love for Layla was a lie and it was bound to fail from the start.