Translation of "Alcohólico" in English

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Examples of using "Alcohólico" in a sentence and their english translations:

Él es alcohólico.

He's an alcoholic.

Me llamo Tom y soy alcohólico.

My name is Tom and I'm an alcoholic.

El padre de Fadil era alcohólico.

Fadil's father was alcoholic.

El padre de Tom es un alcohólico.

Tom's father is an alcoholic.

O padecer de hígado graso no alcohólico.

or have non-alcoholic fatty-liver disease.

Si sigues tomando tanto, podrías terminar siendo un alcohólico.

If you go on drinking so much, you may well end up an alcoholic.

Soy alcohólico. Soy drogadicto. Soy homosexual. Soy un genio.

I'm an alcoholic. I'm a drug addict. I'm homosexual. I'm a genius.

Es mejor ser un borracho famoso que un alcohólico anónimo.

It's better to be a well-known boozer than an anonymous alcoholic.

Más vale ser un borracho conocido que un alcohólico anónimo.

It's better to be a known drunk than an anonymous alcoholic.

Dijo que le preocupaba haberse convertido en un alcohólico como su madre,

he said that he worried that he had become an alcoholic like his mom,

Y dijo: es como mandar a un alcohólico a trabajar a un bar.

And he said, "It's like sending an alcoholic to work in a bar."

Lo que la historia no dice es que Tom es alcohólico y pega a su mujer, Mary.

This should not be told but Tom is an alcoholic and he beats Mary, his wife.

Ese hombre ya ha tocado fondo: su mujer le ha dejado, le han echado del trabajo y es alcohólico. Lo peor es que yo le conocía, él era mi jefe hace cinco años.

That man has hit bottom: his wife has left him, he's lost his job, and he's an alcoholic. The worst is that I know him--he used to be my boss five years ago.