Translation of "Ctr" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Ctr" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Cómo optimizas tu CTR?

How do you optimize your click-through rate?

Para CTR e ingresos.

for a click-through rate an income.

Los clicks, y los CTR.

the Clicks, and the Click Thru Rate.

Esas palabras clave y maximizar tu CTR.

those keywords, and maximize your click to rate.

Tienes suerte si estás obteniendo un CTR cerca

you're lucky if you're getting around

Vas a tener un CTR de menos de 5%.

are gonna be getting less than 5% click thru rate.

De ellas hacen click, eso significa que tu CTR está aumentando.

of them are clicking through, that means your click-through rate is increasing.

Sigue estos pasos y tu CTR aumentará, pagarás menos por tus anuncios

Follow those steps, your click-through rate will go up, you'll pay less for your ads,

Los que están más arriba tienden a tener el CTR más alto, porque Google optimiza

The ones at the top tend to have the highest click-through rate, because Google optimizes

Pero el problema con AdWords es que es caro, a menos que puedas optimizar tu CTR.

The problem with AdWords though is, it's expensive unless you can optimize your click-through