Translation of "Contaba" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Contaba" in a sentence and their english translations:

No contaba con eso.

I wasn't counting on that.

No contaba con la huéspeda.

He had reckoned without his host.

Contaba Luciano Sposato en el experimento,

Luciano Sposato talked about this experiment,

Recuerdo que le contaba a un amigo

I remember explaining a story to a friend

De que contaba mis historias para hacer reír.

that I'd been telling my stories for laughs.

Y le contaba las historias todos los días.

And every day, I'd tell him the stories.

Nos contaba que busca un hombre inteligente, divertido,

She was telling us she is looking for a man who's smart and funny,

Que contaba que regenera tejidos con las células madre,

who said she regenerates tissue with stem cells,

Para el gato la opinión del ratón no contaba.

The cat couldn't care less about the mouse's opinion.

Tom nos contaba historias inventadas para hacerse el interesante.

Tom told us made-up stories to make himself seem interesting.

Siempre cuando mi vieja me contaba una de estas historias

when my mom would tell me one of these stories

Pero en cada rincón me contaba algunas de sus historias.

but around every corner, he would point out some stories.

Mi padre a menudo nos contaba acerca de sus días de estudiante.

My father often told us about his school days.

Cuando ya tenía 100 videos de batería, contaba con muchos seguidores en Internet,

By the time I had 100 drum videos, I already had a massive online following,

Noé contaba seiscientos años cuando acaeció el diluvio, las aguas, sobre la tierra.

And Noah was six hundred years old when the waters of the flood overflowed the earth.

Mi padre me tenía sobre sus rodillas mientras me contaba canciones de su tierra.

My father had me on his knees while he sang songs about his land.

Y ya que la principalidad no contaba con recursos naturales valiosos como oro o plata,

And since the principality lacked valuable natural resources like gold or silver,