Translation of "Apagaron" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Apagaron" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Las luces se apagaron.
- Se apagaron las luces.

- The lights turned off.
- The lights went out.

Las luces se apagaron.

The lights turned off.

Se apagaron las luces.

- The lights are out.
- The lights went out.

Ellos apagaron la computadora.

They've shut down the computer.

Ellas apagaron la computadora.

They've shut down the computer.

- De repente, todas las luces se apagaron.
- De repente se apagaron todas las luces.

- Suddenly all the lights went out.
- All of sudden all the lights went out.
- All of a sudden, all the lights went out.
- Suddenly, all the lights went out.

De repente las luces se apagaron.

All at once the lights went out.

De repente se apagaron las luces.

All of a sudden, the lights went out.

De repente, todas las luces se apagaron.

- Suddenly all the lights went out.
- All of sudden all the lights went out.
- All of a sudden, all the lights went out.
- Suddenly, all the lights went out.
- All the lights suddenly went out.

De repente se apagaron todas las luces.

Suddenly, all the lights went out.

El viento y la lluvia apagaron el incendio.

- The wind and rain put out the fire.
- The wind and the rain put out the fire.

Los bomberos apagaron el fuego en cuestión de segundos.

The firemen had the fire out in no time.

Las velas parpadearon unas cuantas veces y después se apagaron.

The candle flickered a few times and then went out.

Las luces se apagaron de repente y todo quedó a oscuras.

The lights suddenly went out and it become dark.

- Los bomberos han apagado el fuego.
- Los bomberos apagaron el fuego.

The fire fighters put out the fire.

Los bomberos apagaron el fuego en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

- The firemen had the fire out in no time.
- The firefighters put out the fire in the blink of an eye.

- Todas las voces se apagaron en el momento cúlmine.
- Todas las voces se extinguieron en el climax.

All voices were extinguished in the climax.