Translation of "улетела" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "улетела" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ворона улетела.

The crow flew away.

Птица улетела.

The bird flew away.

Бабочка улетела.

The butterfly flew away.

Спев, птица улетела.

After the bird had sung, it flew away.

Птица улетела очень далеко.

The bird went far away.

Закончив петь, птица улетела.

Once it was done singing, the bird flew away.

Птица улетела и пропала из виду.

The bird flew away and was lost to sight.

Мэри превратилась в ворона и улетела.

Mary turned herself into a raven and flew away.

Мэри запрыгнула на метлу и улетела.

Mary jumped on her broom and flew off.

«Где Мария?» — «Только что улетела на метле. Ты упустил её!»

"Where is Maria?" "She just flew off on her broom. You just missed her!"

Во время путешествия на поезде я высунул голову из окна и моя шапка улетела.

While travelling on the train, I stuck my head out the window, and my cap flew off.

Мы наблюдали, как птица клюёт крошки; потом я чихнул, и она улетела в мгновение ока.

We were watching the bird eat the crumbs; then I sneezed, and he was gone in a flash.