Translation of "кавалерия" in English

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Examples of using "кавалерия" in a sentence and their english translations:

Кавалерия прибыла.

The cavalry has arrived.

Кавалерия на подходе.

Here comes the cavalry.

Кавалерия атаковала врага.

The cavalry charged the enemy.

Бессьер и его кавалерия действовали храбро.

Bessières and his cavalry performed bravely.

На французском правом фланге кавалерия атакует англо-гасконскую возвышенность,

On the French right, the cavalry charges uphill towards the Anglo-Gascon line, as waves of

В третьей линии стояли берберские солдаты, а кавалерия - на флангах.

The third line was formed of Berber soldiers and cavalrymen on the flanks.

В мае Бессьер и его кавалерия одними из первых пересекли Дунай, а Массена

In May, Bessières and his cavalry were among the first across the Danube, with Masséna