Translation of "Vibrantes" in English

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Examples of using "Vibrantes" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tanto que eles podem se tornar incrivelmente vibrantes

both that they can become incredibly vibrant

Estava tão fraco que não criava as cores vibrantes de um polvo saudável

She's so weak that she can't make those vibrant colors of a healthy octopus,

Um rumor faz-se ouvir na salsa espuma: / já sobre a terra os monstros se projetam, / os olhos cor de sangue e fogo a fuzilar / e dardejando as fauces sibilantes, / continuamente, as línguas bífidas vibrantes.

Lashed into foam, behind them roars the brine; / now, gliding onward to the beach, ere long / they gain the fields, and rolling bloodshot eyne / that blaze with fire, the monsters move along, / and lick their hissing jaws, and dart a flickering tongue.