Translation of "Cisterna" in English

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Examples of using "Cisterna" in a sentence and their english translations:

E quando alguns negociantes midianitas passaram por ali, os irmãos de José retiraram-no da cisterna e por vinte peças de prata o venderam aos ismaelitas, que o levaram para o Egito.

And when the Madianite merchants passed by, they drew him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ismaelites, for twenty pieces of silver: and they led him into Egypt.

Logo que José se aproximou dos irmãos, estes o despojaram da túnica longa, de mangas compridas, que ele estava vestindo, depois o agarraram e o jogaram numa cisterna velha, que estava vazia e seca.

And as soon as he came to his brethren, they forthwith stript him of his outside coat, that was of divers colours: And cast him into an old pit where there was not water.

Quando Rúben voltou à cisterna, viu que José não estava mais ali! De dor, rasgou suas vestes e, voltando para junto de seus irmãos, disse: O menino sumiu! E agora o que é que eu vou fazer?

And Ruben returning to the pit, found not the boy: And rending his garments he went to his brethren, and said: The boy doth not appear, and whither shall I go?

E acrescentou: "Não derrameis sangue. Podeis lançá-lo naquela cisterna no deserto, mas não levanteis a mão contra ele". Rúben dizia essas palavras com a intenção de salvá-lo dos irmãos e levá-lo de volta ao pai.

Nor shed his blood: but cast him into this pit, that is in the wilderness, and keep your hands harmless: now he said this, being desirous to deliver him out of their hands and to restore him to his father.