Translation of "Brincava" in English

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Examples of using "Brincava" in a sentence and their english translations:

Eu brincava aqui.

I used to play here.

- Tom frequentemente brincava com Mary.
- Tom geralmente brincava com Mary.
- Tom muitas vezes brincava com Mary.

Tom often teased Mary.

Eu brincava neste parque.

I used to play in this park.

Eu brincava naquele parque.

I used to play in that park.

Eu brincava com Tom.

I used to play with Tom.

Tom geralmente brincava com Mary.

Tom often teased Mary.

Tom brincava com bonecas quando era criança.

Tom played with dolls as a child.

E eu sempre brincava com minha mãe, falava:

And I would always joke with my mom, I'm like,

Gontran brincava frequentemente com Olga nas ruas de Nimes.

Gontran often played with Olga in the streets of Nîmes.

- Quando eu era criança, brincava com meus amigos todos os dias.
- Quando eu era criança, brincava com minhas amigas todos os dias.

When I was a child, I played with my friends every day.

Tive um sonho em que um bebê brincava com uma faca.

I had a dream where a baby was playing with a knife.

- Tom brincou com o seu cachorro.
- Tom brincava com seu cachorro.

Tom played with his dog.

- A lontra brincava no rio.
- A lontra estava brincando no rio.

The otter was playing in the river.

- O bebê estava brincando com um chocalho.
- O bebê brincava com um chocalho.

The baby was playing with a rattle.

Era uma vez uma pequena fada, muito amada pelas crianças. Ela gostava de brincar com os pássaros e os animais na floresta, e cantar canções ou tocar sua flauta; às vezes, ela visitava a aldeia, onde os seres humanos viviam, e corria e brincava com os meninos e meninas de sua preferência.

- There once was a little spirit that the children loved. Usually in the forest he would sing his songs and play the flute and mess about with the birds and other such beasts. At times he would come out to the village where the people lived and play with the children he liked.
- There once was a tiny sprite, much loved by children. She would frolic with the birds and the beasts in the forest, and sing songs, or play her flute; sometimes, she would visit the village, where the humans lived, and cavort with her favorite boys and girls.