Translation of "Naquele" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Naquele" in a sentence and their english translations:

Naquele momento, percebi

And at that point, I realized

Choveu naquele dia.

It rained that day.

- Eu estou hospedado naquele hotel.
- Estou hospedado naquele hotel.

I'm staying at that hotel.

- Onde você estava naquele dia?
- Onde estavas naquele dia?

Where were you that day?

- "Onde você vai ficar?" "Naquele hotel."
- "Onde estás hospedado?" "Naquele hotel."
- "Onde estão hospedados?" "Naquele hotel."
- "Onde vocês estão hospedadas?" "Naquele hotel."

"Where are you staying?" "At that hotel."

- Eu era casado naquele tempo.
- Eu era casada naquele tempo.

I was married at that time.

- Você ainda come naquele restaurante?
- Vocês ainda comem naquele restaurante?

Do you still eat at that restaurant?

Perdemos bastante naquele trabalho.

We lost a lot on that job.

Tom está naquele barco?

Is Tom on this ship?

Ninguém mora naquele prédio.

No one lives in that building.

Ele trabalha naquele laboratório.

He works in that lab.

Estive lá naquele dia.

I was there the other day.

Preste atenção naquele carro.

Look out for the car.

Choveu muito naquele inverno.

It rained a lot that winter.

Estava chovendo naquele dia.

It was raining that day.

Estava nevando naquele dia.

It was snowing that day.

Tom morreu naquele acidente?

Did Tom die in that accident?

Eu brincava naquele parque.

I used to play in that park.

Não sente naquele banco.

Don't sit on that bench.

Eu estava naquele ônibus.

I was on that bus.

Fadil morreu naquele dia.

Fadil died later that day.

Tom estava naquele avião.

Tom was on that plane.

Vamos sentar naquele banco.

Let's sit down on that bench.

- O rio era raso naquele ponto.
- O rio estava raso naquele ponto.

The river was shallow at that point.

E horas incontáveis naquele PowerPoint.

and way too many hours on that PowerPoint.

Ou nunca entrou naquele barco?

or never got on that boat?

Estava muito frio naquele anoitecer.

It was very cold that evening.

Naquele momento ela tocava piano.

She was playing the piano at that time.

Há muitos peixes naquele lago.

There are a lot of fish in that lake.

Havia anotações importantes naquele caderno.

There were important notes in that notebook.

Perdi a confiança naquele médico.

- I have lost faith in the doctor.
- I have lost faith in that doctor.
- I've lost faith in that doctor.

Algo incrível aconteceu naquele dia.

Something terrifying happened that day.

Tom quase morreu naquele acidente.

Tom almost died in that accident.

Onde você estava naquele dia?

Where were you that day?

Eu estava lá naquele dia.

I was there that day.

Meu apartamento é naquele edifício.

My apartment is in that building.

Estávamos cozinhando tempura naquele momento.

We were cooking tempura at that time.

Ken estava correndo naquele momento.

Ken was running at that time.

Fique de olho naquele homem.

Keep watch on that man.

Eu vou atirar naquele cara.

I'm going to shoot that guy.

Minha vida mudou naquele dia.

- My life changed that day.
- That day, my life changed.

Naquele dia, minha vida mudou.

- My life changed that day.
- That day, my life changed.

Tom não estava naquele avião.

Tom wasn't on that plane.

Fiquei naquele poço imundo por cinco dias. Naquele instante, minha única solução foi rezar.

I spent five days in that filthy well. During that time, my only solution was praying.

Ele parece estar envolvido naquele assunto.

He seems to be involved in that matter.

Há algumas coisas espetaculares naquele sítio.

There are some spectacular things on that site.

Ele gosta de viver naquele lugar.

He likes to live in that place.

Naquele tempo ele tinha muito dinheiro.

That time he had a lot of money.

Todos nós nos divertimos naquele dia.

We all had a fine time that day.

Tom era bastante jovem naquele tempo.

- Tom was pretty young at the time.
- Tom was quite young at the time.

O bebê estava chorando naquele momento?

Was the baby crying then?

Você não pode confiar naquele rapaz.

You can't trust that guy.

Podemos passar a noite naquele hotel.

We can spend the night in that hotel.

Eu estava tão feliz naquele dia.

I was so happy that day.

Queria ter estado contigo naquele tempo.

I wish I had been with you then.

O que está escrito naquele letreiro?

What is written on that signboard?

Você foi para Londres naquele dia?

Did you go to London that day?

Naquele tempo, ninguém vivia na ilha.

No one lived on the island at that time.

Como é a comida naquele restaurante?

How's the food in that restaurant?

Tom estava na escola naquele dia.

Tom was at school that day.

Exatamente naquele momento o ônibus parou.

Right at that instant, the bus stopped.

O próprio dinheiro deles naquele jarro.

their own money in that jar.

- Eles decidiram se estabelecer na Virgínia naquele ano.
- Decidiram estabelecer-se na Virgínia naquele ano.

They decided to settle down in Virginia that year.

- Eu sabia que estava tudo bem naquele momento.
- Eu sabia que estava bem naquele ponto.

- I knew it was OK at that point.
- I knew that it was OK at that point.

- Eu só tinha 30 dólares comigo naquele momento.
- Eu só tinha trinta dólares comigo naquele momento.

I only had thirty dollars with me at that time.

- O Tom jurou nunca mais meter os pés naquele lugar.
- Tom jurou nunca mais pisar naquele lugar.
- Tom jurou nunca mais pôr os pés naquele lugar.

Tom vowed never to set foot in that place again.

Foi quando senti imensa dor naquele momento...

That's when I really felt the pain that time...

Dê uma olhada naquele país gigante Alemanha

take a look at that giant country Germany

Porque algo parecia tão impossível naquele momento

Because something seemed so impossible at that time

E depois focar-me naquele espaço pequeno.

And then focusing on that small space.

Eu prendi a minha malha naquele prego.

I caught my sweater on that nail.

Não havia absolutamente nenhum móvel naquele quarto.

There was absolutely no furniture in that room.

Há apenas alguns poucos passageiros naquele trem.

There are only just a few passengers on that train.

Naquele momento, explodiu com um enorme barulho.

At that instant it exploded with a great noise.

O senhor Brown estava doente naquele tempo.

Mr Brown was sick at the time.

Naquele tempo, eu me deitava mais cedo.

In those days, I went to bed earlier.

Eu almoço naquele restaurante todos os dias.

I eat lunch in that restaurant every day.

O que você estava fazendo naquele momento?

- What were you doing then?
- What were you doing at that time?
- What did you do at that moment?
- What were you doing that moment?

O que você estava fazendo naquele prédio?

What were you doing in that building?

No fim, acabamos comendo naquele restaurante maltrapilho.

In the end, we ended up eating at that shabby restaurant.

Tom e eu trabalhamos juntos naquele projeto.

Tom and I worked together on that project.

Tirei a barriga de misérias naquele casamento.

I ate twice my weight at that wedding.

Eu sabia que estava bem naquele momento.

- I knew it was OK at that point.
- I knew that it was OK at that point.

Tom mentiu sobre seu paradeiro naquele dia.

Tom lied about his whereabouts that day.

Tom estava preparando o jantar naquele momento.

Tom was cooking dinner at that time.

Eu costumava ter uma conta naquele banco.

I used to have an account at that bank.