Translation of "Problem" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Problem" in a sentence and their english translations:

- To banalny problem.
- To trywialny problem.
- To błahy problem.

That is a trivial problem.

- Mam duży problem.
- Mam wielki problem.
- Mam spory problem.

I've got a big problem.

- Masz wieki problem.
- Masz spory problem.

You have a big problem.

- Gdzie jest problem?
- W czym problem?

- Where is the problem?
- What is the problem?

- To banalny problem.
- To trywialny problem.

That is a trivial problem.

Jest problem.

It's a problem.

Problem rozwiązany.

Problem solved!

Żaden problem!

- No problem!
- No worries!

Rozwiązałem problem.

I solved the problem.

Rozwiąż problem.

Solve the problem.

Mamy problem.

- We've got a problem.
- We have a problem.

Mam problem.

- I have a problem.
- I've got a problem.

Tu leży problem.

That's the issue.

Pojawił się problem.

But there's a problem.

To poważny problem.

This is a serious setback.

To niełatwy problem.

It is a difficult problem.

Problem pozostaje nierozwiązany.

The problem remains unsolved.

Błyskawicznie rozwiązał problem.

He had no difficulty in solving the problem.

Rozwiązał trudny problem.

He solved the difficult problem.

To trywialny problem.

That is a trivial problem.

Mam poważny problem.

I have a big problem.

Masz duży problem.

You've got a big problem.

Jest jeden problem.

- There is one problem.
- There's one problem.

To jest problem.

It's a problem.

To mój problem.

That's my problem.

Jak rozwiązałeś problem?

How did you solve the problem?

To jest problem?

- Is it a problem?
- Is that an issue?

Chyba mamy problem.

I think we've got a problem.

Mamy problem, Tom.

We have a problem, Tom.

Rozwiążę ten problem.

I'll solve that problem.

Masz wielki problem.

You have a big problem.

Zostawmy ten problem.

- Let us forget this problem.
- Let's forget this problem.

Gdzie jest problem?

Where is the problem?

Co spowodowało problem?

What caused the problem?

Rozważ następujący problem.

Consider the following problem.

Sam rozwiązał problem.

He solved the problem on his own.

Jaki jest problem?

- What gives?
- What's the trouble?

Mamy duży problem.

- We have a big problem.
- We've got a big problem.

To złożony problem.

- It's a complex problem.
- The problem is complex.
- That's a hard problem.
- It's a hard problem.
- It's a complicated problem.
- It is a complicated problem.
- This is a complex problem.
- This is a difficult problem.

Jak rozwiążecie problem?

How will you solve the problem?

Spróbowałem rozwiązać problem.

I attempted to solve the problem.

W czym problem?

- What's the problem?
- What's the catch?

Mam podobny problem.

I have a similar problem.

To delikatny problem.

It's a delicate problem.

Jaki masz problem?

What's your beef?

- To nie twój problem.
- To nie jest twój problem.

- That's not your problem.
- That isn't your problem.

Problem, który można rozwiązać przy pomocy pieniędzy to nie problem. Problem w tym, że jestem biedny.

Any problem that can be resolved with money isn't a problem, but the problem is that I'm poor.

Lecz pojawia się problem.

But there is a problem:

I to jest problem.

And this is a problem.

Stanowiło to pewien problem,

This posed a unique problem,

Jest też problem kulturowy.

Another problem is cultural.

No i mam problem.

And now I'm in trouble.

Ale ma duży problem.

but he has a big problem.

Nietrudno rozwiązać ten problem.

It is easy to solve the problem.

Możesz rozwiązać ten problem?

- Can you do this problem?
- Can you solve this problem?

Pojawił się kolejny problem.

Another problem has arisen.

To twój główny problem.

That is your major problem.

Łatwo rozwiązałem ten problem.

I solved the problem easily.

Przedyskutujmy z nimi problem.

Let's discuss the problem with them.

Problem tylko, który wybrać.

The question is which to choose.

Problem wyskoczył po szkole.

A trouble arose after school.

Dobrze rozwiązali ten problem.

They were successful in solving the problem.

Przeanalizował dokładnie ten problem.

He made a thorough analysis of the problem.

Przezwyciężył już ten problem.

He has got over the trouble.

No to jest problem...

Then there is a problem...

Tom ma wielki problem.

Tom has a big problem.

To tam jest problem.

That's where the problem is.

Mamy ten sam problem.

We have the same problem.

To nie lada problem.

This is not a small problem.

Jak poważny jest problem?

How serious is the problem?

Mamy tutaj poważny problem.

We've got a serious problem here.

Rozjaśnijmy nieco ten problem.

Let's clear up this problem.

Problem rozwiązał się sam.

The problem resolved itself.

No to mamy problem ...

Then there is a problem...

Miałam ten sam problem.

I had the same problem.

To jest wielki problem.

- It's a big problem.
- That's a big problem.
- This is a big problem.

Sam rozwiązałem ten problem.

I solved that problem by myself.

Sam muszę rozwiązać problem.

I have to solve the problem myself.

Próbowałem rozwiązać ten problem.

I tried solving the problem.

Potrafię rozwiązać ten problem.

I can solve this problem.

Rozwiążę ten problem sam.

- I'm going to work out the problem by myself.
- I am going to work out the problem by myself.

Problem leży w silniku.

The problem is in the motor.

To nie mój problem.

- This is not my problem.
- This isn't my problem.

To był straszny problem.

It's a terrible problem.

To nie nasz problem.

The problem isn't ours.

Wyjaśniłem, w czym problem.

I explained what the problem was.

Jaki jest jego problem?

- What's his problem?
- What is his problem?

To jest straszny problem.

It's a terrible problem.

Próbował rozwiązać ten problem.

He tried to solve the problem.