Translation of "Myślałem…" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Myślałem…" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tak myślałem.

That was my guess.

Nie myślałem.

I wasn't thinking.

Myślałem jak piętnastolatek:

The sensation I had is a fifteen-year-old's,

Ja myślałem tamto.

- I've been thinking about it.
- I thought about that.

Myślałem, że pracujesz.

- I thought you were working.
- I thought that you were working.

Myślałem, że poszedłeś.

- I thought you'd left.
- I thought that you'd left.
- I thought you had left.

Myślałem o tym.

I was thinking about it.

Myślałem, że wygramy.

- I thought we were going to win.
- I thought that we were going to win.

Myślałem, że przyjdzie.

I thought he would come.

Myślałem, że to szczęście,

I thought it was luck,

Myślałem, że będzie OK.

I thought I'd be just fine.

Jest łatwiej niż myślałem.

It is easier than I thought.

Myślałem, że byłeś szczęśliwy.

- I thought you were happy.
- I thought that you were happy.

Myślałem, że cię znam.

- I thought I knew you.
- I thought that I knew you.

Myślałem, że mogę pomóc.

- I thought I might be able to help.
- I thought that I might be able to help.

Myślałem, że rozpoznaję Toma.

- I thought I recognized Tom.
- I thought that I recognized Tom.

Myślałem, że cię rozpoznaję.

- I thought I recognized you.
- I thought that I recognized you.

Myślałem, że widzę ducha.

- I thought I saw a ghost.
- I thought that I saw a ghost.

Myślałem, że coś widzę.

- I thought I saw something.
- I thought that I saw something.

Myślałem, że Tom przesadza.

- I thought Tom was exaggerating.
- I thought that Tom was exaggerating.

Myślałem, że mówisz poważnie.

- I thought you were serious.
- I thought that you were serious.

Myślałem, że nie wracasz.

- I thought you weren't coming back.
- I thought that you weren't coming back.

Myślałem, że nie przyjdziesz.

- I thought you wouldn't come.
- I thought you weren't coming.
- I thought that you wouldn't come.
- I figured that you wouldn't come.

Myślałem, że się zgodzisz.

- I thought you'd agree.
- I thought that you'd agree.

Myślałem, że będziesz sam.

- I thought you'd be alone.
- I thought that you'd be alone.

Myślałem, że nie przyjdzie.

I thought he wouldn't come.

Myślałem, że będzie trudniej.

I thought it was harder.

Myślałem, że cię rozumiem.

- I thought I understood you.
- I thought that I understood you.

Myślałem, że to prawda.

- I thought it was true.
- I thought that it was true.

Myślałem o czymś innym.

I was thinking about something else.

Myślałem, że to wyjaśniliśmy.

I thought we had settled this.

Myślałem, że to ułatwi.

- I thought that would make it easier.
- I thought that that would make it easier.

Myślałem, że jest niewinny.

I thought that he was innocent.

Myślałem, że jest chory.

I thought he was sick.

Myślałem, że zaczęło padać.

- I thought rain was beginning to fall.
- I thought it had started to rain.
- I thought that it had started to rain.

Było trudniejsze niż myślałem.

It was harder than I thought.

Myślałem, że to zadziała.

- I thought that would work.
- I thought that that would work.

Nie myślałem o tym.

I didn't think of that.

Myślałem, że ich znasz.

I thought you knew them.

Myślałem, że go znasz.

I thought you knew him.

Myślałem, że ją znasz.

I thought you knew her.

Myślałem, że Tom wyszedł.

- I thought Tom left.
- I thought that Tom left.

Ciągle o tym myślałem.

I've been thinking about it.

Myślałem, że gdzieś idziemy.

- I thought we were going to go somewhere.
- I thought that we were going to go somewhere.

- Myślałem, że nie zamierzasz nikomu mówić.
- Myślałem, że nikomu nie powiesz.

- I thought you weren't going to tell anyone.
- I thought that you weren't going to tell anyone.

Myślałem, że organizuje małe przyjęcie.

I thought he was having a small reception.

Myślałem o kupnie nowego aparatu.

I was thinking about buying a new camera.

Myślałem, że to było zabawne.

- I thought it was hilarious.
- I thought that it was hilarious.

Myślałem, że usłyszałem głos Toma.

- I thought I heard Tom's voice.
- I thought that I heard Tom's voice.

Myślałem, że Tom tu będzie.

- I thought Tom would be here.
- I thought that Tom would be here.

Myślałem, że Tom ma wolne.

- I thought Tom had a day off.
- I thought that Tom had a day off.

Myślałem, że wiem, co robić.

- I thought I knew what to do.
- I thought that I knew what to do.

Myślałem, że rozpoznaję ten samochód.

- I thought I recognized this car.
- I thought that I recognized this car.

Myślałem, że rozpoznaję to miejsce.

- I thought I recognized this place.
- I thought that I recognized this place.

Myślałem, że widzę kogoś znajomego.

- I thought I saw someone I knew.
- I thought that I saw someone I knew.
- I thought I saw somebody I knew.
- I thought that I saw somebody I knew.

Myślałem, że jesteś człowiekiem honoru.

- I thought you were a man of honor.
- I thought that you were a man of honor.

Myślałem, że zamierzałeś to zrobić.

- I thought you were going to do this.
- I thought you were going to do that.
- I thought that you were going to do that.
- I thought that you were going to do this.

Myślałem, że jesteś przyjacielem Toma.

- I thought you were Tom's friend.
- I thought that you were Tom's friend.

Myślałem, że próbujesz być zabawny.

- I thought you were trying to be funny.
- I thought that you were trying to be funny.

Myślałem, że mnie nie rozpoznasz.

- I thought you wouldn't recognize me.
- I thought that you wouldn't recognize me.

Myślałem, że o to spytasz.

- I thought you'd ask that.
- I thought that you'd ask that.

Myślałem, że będziesz w barze.

- I thought you'd be at the bar.
- I thought that you'd be at the bar.

Myślałem, że zjemy obiad razem.

- I thought we would have breakfast together.
- I thought that we would have breakfast together.

Myślałem, że będziesz na czas.

- I thought you'd be on time.
- I thought that you'd be on time.

Myślałem, że mieszkasz w Bostonie.

- I thought that you lived in Boston.
- I thought you lived in Boston.

Dokładnie to o czym myślałem

Exactly what I was thinking.

Myślałem o tobie cały dzień.

I've been thinking about you all day.

Nigdy o tym nie myślałem.

- I never thought about that.
- I've never thought about it.

Myślałem dokładnie o tym samym.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Myślałem, że mówimy o Tomie.

- I thought we were talking about Tom.
- I thought that we were talking about Tom.

Myślałem, że wychodzimy dziś wieczorem.

- I thought we were going out tonight.
- I thought that we were going out tonight.

Myślałem, że będzie nas więcej.

- I thought there would be more of us.
- I thought that there would be more of us.

Myślałem, że jesteś wujkiem Toma.

- I thought that you were Tom's uncle.
- I thought you were Tom's uncle.

Myślałem, że coś tam widzisz.

- I thought I saw something out there.
- I thought that I saw something out there.

Myślałem, że będziesz tym zainteresowany.

I think you'd be interested in this.

Zmieniłeś się bardziej, niż myślałem.

You've changed more than I thought.

Myślałem, że nienawidzisz czerwonego wina.

- I thought you hated red wine.
- I thought that you hated red wine.

Myślałem, że to jest wspaniałe.

- I thought it was excellent.
- I thought that it was excellent.

Myślałem, że chodziłaś z Tomem.

I thought you were going steady with Tom.

Tom, właśnie o tobie myślałem.

Tom, I was just thinking about you.

Myślałem, że Yoko rzuci palenie.

I expected Yoko to give up smoking.

Myślałem, że mi się uda.

I thought that I should succeed.

Myślałem, żeby pójść do siostry.

I thought about going to my sister's.

Przez moment myślałem, że oszalał.

For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad.

Właśnie myślałem o nowej pracy.

I was just thinking of a new job.

Okazał się inny niż myślałem.

He was otherwise than I thought.

Myślałem, że to cię rozśmieszy.

- I thought it would make you laugh.
- I figured that would make you laugh.

Jest dokładnie tak jak myślałem.

It's exactly what I thought.

Ja też o tobie myślałem.

I've been thinking about you, too.