Translation of "Igaz" in English

0.020 sec.

Examples of using "Igaz" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ez igaz?
- Igaz?

- Is that true?
- Is it true?
- Is that real?

- Ez igaz.
- Igaz.

- This is true.
- That's true.

- Ez igaz?
- Vajon ez igaz?
- Igaz?

- Is that true?
- Is this true?

- Ez igaz.
- Így igaz!

- That's right!
- That's right.
- That is right.




- That's right!
- Correct!
- It's true!
- Right!


- It's true.
- That's true.
- It's real.

- Talán igaz.
- Meglehet, igaz.
- Meglehet, hogy igaz.
- Meglehet, hogy ez igaz.

Maybe it's true.

- Nem igaz!
- Ez nem igaz!

- That's not true.
- That's not true!

- Ez igaz lehet.
- Igaz lehet.

It may be true.

- Ez az igazság?
- Ez igaz?
- Igaz?
- Ez így igaz?

- Is that true?
- Is it true?
- Is this true?
- Is that really true?
- Is it the truth?

- Esetleg igaz.
- Talán igaz.
- Meglehet, igaz.
- Talán úgy van.

- Maybe it's true.
- Maybe it is true.

- - Valóban? - Igen, valóban.
- - Igaz? - Igen, igaz.

"Really?" "Yes, really."

- Ez igaz lehet?
- Ez igaz vajon?

I wonder if it's true.

- Szerinted helyes, igaz?
- Helyesnek találod, igaz?

You think she's cute, don't you?

- Sajnos ez igaz.
- Ez sajnos igaz.

- It is unfortunately true.
- Unfortunately, it's true.

Így igaz.

That's right.


Is it the truth?

Nagyszerű, igaz?

Great for us, right?

Ez igaz.

That's right.

Szerintem igaz.

- I think it's true.
- I think that it's true.

Ez igaz?

Is it true?

Nem igaz?

Isn't it true?

- Helyes!
- Igaz!

- That's right!
- Correct!
- It's true!

Teljesen igaz.

- It's all true.
- That's all true.

Sajnos igaz.

- It is unfortunately true.
- It's unfortunately true.

Tökéletesen igaz.

That's absolutely right.

Furcsa, igaz?

Strange, isn't it?

Megcsókoltad, igaz?

You kissed her, didn't you?

Mázlisták, igaz?

Lucky, weren't they?

Igaz volt?

Was it true?

Láttad, igaz?

You saw her, didn't you?

Hiányoznak, igaz?

You miss them, don't you?

Elvesztetted, igaz?

You lost it, didn't you?

Talán igaz.

- Perhaps that's true.
- Maybe it's true.
- Maybe it is true.

Hibáztál, igaz?

Didn't you make any mistakes?

- Szerintem nem igaz.
- Nem hiszem, hogy igaz.

- I don't think it's true.
- I don't think that's true.
- I don't think that that's true.
- I don't think that it's true.

- Igaz, hogy meghalt.
- Igaz, hogy ő meghalt.

It's true that she's dead.

- - Valóban? - Igen, valóban.
- - Igaz? - Úgy van, igaz.

"Really?" "Yes, really."

- Esélyes, hogy igaz.
- Esélyes, hogy ez igaz.

- Maybe it's true.
- Perhaps it is true.
- It's probably right.

- Ez a mondat igaz.
- A mondat igaz.

This sentence is true.

- Remélem, igaz, amit mondasz.
- Remélem, igaz, amit mondsz.
- Remélem, igaz az, amit mondol.

- I hope that what you're saying is true.
- I hope what you're saying is true.

- Szereti a gyerekeket, igaz?
- Szereted a gyerekeket, igaz?

You love children, don't you?

- Ez a mondat igaz.
- Ez egy igaz mondat.

This sentence is true.

- Tominak hívnak, igaz?
- A te neved Tamás, igaz?

- Your name is Tom, right?
- Your name is Tom, isn't it?

- Ezt nevezik igaz szerelemnek.
- Ezt hívják igaz szerelemnek.

This is called true love.

- Az előbbi mondat igaz.
- Az előző mondat igaz.

The previous sentence is true.

- Ebből semmi nem igaz.
- Ebből semmi sem igaz.

None of this is true.

Ez igaz történet.

This is a true story.

Mert való igaz,

Because it's really true:

És ez igaz,

And that's true

Okos dolog, igaz?

It's smart, right?

Jól hangzik, igaz?

Which is nice, right?

Igen, ez igaz.

This is a good point.

Szép, nem igaz?

It's beautiful, isn't it?

Mindent megoldottam, igaz?

I have solved it all, right?

Eléggé hasonlóak, igaz?

And they look pretty similar, right?

SR: Ez igaz.

SR: That is true.

Szándékosan hibáztál, igaz?

You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you?

Ez igaz lehetett.

That might have been true.

Mindkét történet igaz.

Both stories are true.

Amit mondott, igaz.

What he said is true.

Kizárt, hogy igaz.

There's no way that's true.

Igaz a története.

His story is true.

Igaz a története?

Is his story true?

Késésben vagyok, igaz?

I'm late, aren't I?

Ez tényleg igaz?

- Is it really true?
- Is it really true?!

Sajnálatos, de igaz.

- It is unfortunately true.
- Unfortunately, it's true.
- Unfortunately, that's true.
- Unfortunately, that is true.
- It's unfortunately true.

Tudod, hogy igaz.

You know it's true.

Helena titkárnő, igaz?

Helena is a secretary, right?

Igaz, hogy meghalt.

- Really, he died.
- It's true, he's dead.

De nem igaz!

- But that isn't true.
- But that's not true.

Ez nem igaz.

- It's not real.
- It's not true.
- It isn't true.

Szomorú, de igaz.

- It's sad, but true.
- Sad but true.

Ez is igaz.

That's true as well.

Nincsenek gyerekei, igaz?

- She has no children, does she?
- She doesn't have any children, does she?