Translation of "éve" in English

0.048 sec.

Examples of using "éve" in a sentence and their english translations:

30 éve,

30 years ago

Két éve

The year before last,

- Két éve kiköltözött.
- Két éve kiköltözött külföldre.
- Két éve külföldre költözött.

He went abroad two years ago.

- Egy éve ismerem őt.
- Ismerem őt egy éve.

I've known him for one year.

Csak öt éve,

And just five years ago,

Mielőtt kilenc éve

Since joining the world of opera

Három éve nősültem.

I got married three years ago.

Tíz éve házasok.

They have been married for ten years.

Tíz éve halott.

She has been dead for ten years.

Három éve történt.

That happened three years ago.

20 éve tanít.

- He has been teaching for 20 years.
- He's been teaching for 20 years.

Öt éve halott.

He has been dead for five years.

Meghalt öt éve.

She died five years ago.

Két éve diplomáztam.

I graduated two years ago.

Néhány éve meghalt.

She died a few years ago.

Kétezerhuszonegy Tom éve.

2021 is the year of Tom.

Sok éve történt.

It happened a long time ago.

- Tom három éve van itt.
- Ez Tom harmadik éve.

Tom is in his third year.

- Két éve vettem a házamat.
- A házamat két éve vettem.
- Két éve vásároltam a házamat.

I bought my house two years ago.

100 éve dolgozunk rajta.

We've been at this for 100 years.

Mindenkinek jó éve volt.

- Everybody had a good year.
- Everyone had a good year.

Már két éve házasok.

They have been married two years.

Hét éve jött Japánba.

He came to Japan seven years ago.

Tíz éve ismerem őt.

I've known him for ten years.

Taro két éve meghalt.

Taro died two years ago.

Ő sok éve diplomata.

He's been working as a diplomat since many years.

Hol voltál három éve?

- Where were you three years ago?
- Where were you 3 years ago?

Édesapám tíz éve halott.

My father has been dead for ten years.

Nyolc éve házas vagyok.

- I got married 8 years ago.
- I married eight years ago.

Ez három éve volt.

That was three years ago.

Két éve ismerem őt.

I have known her for two years.

Tíz éve lettem klubtag.

I became a member of the club ten years ago.

Három éve vagyok itt.

I've been here for three years.

Három éve ezen dolgozom.

I've been working on this for three years.

Három éve tanulunk angolul.

We have been studying English for three years.

Nyolc éve férjnél vagyok.

- I got married 8 years ago.
- I married eight years ago.

Tíz éve dolgozom itt.

I have been working here for ten years.

Három éve lakom Bostonban.

I've lived in Boston for three years.

Két éve jöttem Japánba.

I came to Japan two years ago.

Öt éve, hogy meghalt.

He died five years ago.

Ez egy éve történt.

It happened one year ago.

Tíz éve lakik Párizsban.

She has been living in Paris for ten years.

Sok éve ismerem Tamást.

I've known Tom for many years.

Három éve Bostonban élek.

I've been living in Boston for three years.

Pár éve dolgozom itt.

I've been working here for a couple of years.

A negyvenedik éve táján.

She is about forty.

Három éve itt dolgozom.

I've been working here for three years.

Már húsz éve házasok.

They have been married for twenty years.

Másfél éve majdnem meghaltam.

I almost died a year and a half ago.

Tíz éve élek itt.

He lived here ten years ago.

Tíz éve, hogy halott.

She has been dead for ten years.

Egy éve ismerem őt.

I've known him for one year.

Két éve tanulok franciául.

I've been learning French for two years.

Két éve Kínába mentem.

Two years ago I went to China.

Apám meghalt öt éve.

My father died five years ago.

Egy éve vagyok itt.

I've been here for a year.

Sok éve ismerem őket.

I've known them for years.

Tom harminc éve asztalos.

Tom is a thirty-year-old carpenter.

Ez két éve volt.

That was two years ago.

Egy éve hunyt el.

He died one year ago.

Egy éve nem láttam.

I haven't seen her for a year.

Három éve láttam őt.

I saw him three years ago.

Három éve ismerjük egymást.

We've known each other for three years.

Ezer éve nem ettem.

It was ages since I'd eaten.

Ez minek az éve?

What is this the year of?

Kétezerhuszonegy a bivaly éve.

2021 is the Year of the Buffel.

- A nagyapám öt éve halt meg.
- Öt éve meghalt a nagyapám.

My grandfather died five years ago.

- Mi csak három éve vagyunk házasok.
- Csak három éve vagyunk házasok.

We've only been married for three years.

- Több mint tíz éve ismerem.
- Több mint tíz éve ismerem őt.

- I have known him for more than ten years.
- I've known him for more than ten years.

- Három és fél éve csinálom.
- Három és fél éve csináltam már.

I've been doing that for three and a half years.

Három éve ez elképzelhetetlen volt.

Three years ago, this couldn't be done.

Pár éve egyik barátnőmnél is

Now, I had a friend who a few years earlier

Amit már 30 éve őrizgetett.

that she'd been hanging on to for the past 30 years.

Pár éve létezett többoldalú javaslat

And in fact, there was a multilateral proposal several years ago

100 éve veszünk részt ezekben.

We've been at this for 100 years.

Most már harmadik éve tünetmentes,

Now she's in her third year of remission,

De tizenhárom éve alig látja,

but she hasn't been able to fully see it for 13 years

Kilenc éve, amikor hatalomra kerültünk,

Nine years ago, when we came to power,

Mozart 200 éve hunyt el.

It has been 200 years since Mozart died.

Két éve nem hallottunk Mildredről.

We haven't heard from Mildred for two years.

Az apám három éve halott.

My father has been dead for three years.

Már tíz éve itt élnek.

They have lived here for ten years.

Diplomáciai szolgálatban van sok éve.

He's been working as a diplomat since many years.

A fia hét éve eltűnt.

His son disappeared seven years ago.

Tom három éve halt meg.

Tom died three years ago.

Ismerem, több mint húsz éve.

I have been acquainted with her for more than 20 years.

Itt élek már három éve.

- I have been living here for three years.
- I've been living here for three years.

Nagyjából három éve vagyunk együtt.

We've been together about three years.

Hány éve vagy már házas?

How many years have you been married?