Translation of "„the" in French

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "„the" in a sentence and their french translations:

About the same time, the Austrian Fourth Column began its attack on the village of Essling,

About the same time, the Austrian Fourth Column began its attack on the village of Essling,

From the top now we've noticed over the last four

from the top now we've noticed over the last four

Oder von The Lives of the Stoics lernen, während Sie laufen.

ou en apprenant de La vie des stoïciens tout en allant courir.

Charles himself rode among the front ranks urging the men forward.

Charles himself rode among the front ranks urging the men forward.

The three point six per 100 registrations is that including the

the three point six per 100 registrations is that including the

Vier meiner Lieblingsweihnachtslieder sind „Stille Nacht“, „Joy to the World“, „The First Noel“ und „Away in the Manger“.

Quatre de mes chants de Noël préférés sont « Silent Night », « Joy to the World », « The First Noel » et « Away in the Manger ».

And submitted to the Bourbons.

and submitted to the Bourbons.

Der jährliche Wettkampf, The International,

Le tournoi annuel, The International,

Aber während "The Terror" stellten die

Mais pendant «La Terreur», les

Proved the most capable of all.

proved the most capable of all.

Like that is the biggest mistake I've made in my career which for the first

like that is the biggest mistake I've made in my career which for the first

Thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

Kounosuke Sakazaki ist Mitglied von "THE ALFEE".

Kounosuke Sakazaki fait partie du groupe « The Alfee ».

The Orangutan Project kämpft mit allen seinen Partnern

Le Ourangutan Project et ses partenaires se battent

But were slowly pushed back by the British.

but were slowly pushed back by the British.

Das Wort "the" ist beliebig in diesem Satz.

Le mot « le » est facultatif dans cette phrase.

Other people making the same mistake and ich

other people making the same mistake and je

Dies sind Ausschnitte aus dem Stück "The Lehman Trilogy",

Voici les séquences d'une pièce nommée « La trilogie Lehman »

Davout, the youngest and least proven of Napoleon's Marshals,

Davout, the youngest and least proven of Napoleon's Marshals,

But the Emperor wasn't going down without a fight.

But the Emperor wasn't going down without a fight.

Products of a military meritocracy, forged in the French Revolution…

Products of a military meritocracy, forged in the French Revolution…

Their fates entwined in the rise and fall of empires.

Their fates entwined in the rise and fall of empires.

Ich drehte mit meinem Bruder den Film The Great Dance.

Je tournais The Great Dance avec mon frère.

Oudinot's Second Corps and Davout's Third Corps advanced towards the Wagram.

Oudinot's Second Corps and Davout's Third Corps advanced towards the Wagram.

Dieses Mal möchten wir 'Hack the Moon: Unsung Heroes of Apollo' empfehlen.

Cette fois, nous aimerions vous recommander «Hack the Moon: Unsung Heroes of Apollo».

The French weren't just arrogant foreigners trampling on their national honour – they

The French weren't just arrogant foreigners trampling on their national honour – they

The royalists had promised Davout that his officers would not be prosecuted for

The royalists had promised Davout that his officers would not be prosecuted for

Thank you to all the Patreon supporters who have made this series possible.

Thank you to all the Patreon supporters who have made this series possible.

Visit our Patreon page to find out how you can support the channel,

Visit our Patreon page to find out how you can support the channel,

Napoleon saw a chance to get to grips with the British at last.

Napoleon saw a chance to get to grips with the British at last.

Started taking stuff from the blog and boom copying and pasting same old

started taking stuff from the blog and boom copying and pasting same old

Later accepting that he must abdicate, Davout ensured Napoleon's safe passage to the coast,

Later accepting that he must abdicate, Davout ensured Napoleon's safe passage to the coast,

But then the bridge broke again, leaving Davout's Third Corps still waiting to cross.

But then the bridge broke again, leaving Davout's Third Corps still waiting to cross.

Report so they report that at seven point one visitor x' the numbers way

report so they report that at seven point one visitor x' the numbers way

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician, he was the ideal corps commander in battle.

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician, he was the ideal corps commander in battle.

In der letzten Schlacht nimmt er Bärenform an, genau wie Beorn in Tolkiens The Hobbit,

Dans la bataille finale, il prend la forme d'un ours, tout comme Beorn dans Le Hobbit de Tolkien,

Napoleon expected the Austrians to retreat once more, and that he'd only face a rearguard.

Napoleon expected the Austrians to retreat once more, and that he'd only face a rearguard.

And then you see a screenshot that's related to the title so this is a

and then you see a screenshot that's related to the title so this is a

Even wishing to see him fail… not something they saw from the 'Iron Marshal' very often.

even wishing to see him fail… not something they saw from the 'Iron Marshal' very often.

Audience we have a couple of mics down the front here if you have any questions

audience we have a couple of mics down the front here if you have any questions

His health was failing, and in 1821, the death of his eldest daughter left him grief-stricken.

His health was failing, and in 1821, the death of his eldest daughter left him grief-stricken.

A superb administrator, he was a stern and loyal deputy for the Emperor in Poland and Germany.

A superb administrator, he was a stern and loyal deputy for the Emperor in Poland and Germany.

Half of Moore's army deployed in a defensive line two miles south of the city, with two

Half of Moore's army deployed in a defensive line two miles south of the city, with two