Translation of "Zeche" in English

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Examples of using "Zeche" in a sentence and their english translations:

Wer wird die Zeche zahlen?

Who will foot the bill?

Der Mann hat im Restaurant die Zeche geprellt.

- The guy jumped his bill at the restaurant.
- The man left the restaurant without paying his bill.
- The man left the restaurant without paying.

Viele Kumpel befürchten, dass die Zeche bald geschlossen wird.

Many miners are afraid that the mine will be closed down soon.

- Wer wird die Rechnung zahlen?
- Wer wird die Zeche zahlen?

Who will foot the bill?

Als Tom sattsam gegessen hatte, erhob er sich, zahlte die Zeche und ging wieder hinaus in den Wald.

After Tom had eaten his fill, he got up, paid the bill, and went out again into the woods.