Translation of "Müsse" in English

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Examples of using "Müsse" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Tom sagte, er müsse zu Bett.
- Tom sagte, er müsse zu Bett gehen.
- Tom sagte, er müsse ins Bett.

Tom said that he needed to go to bed.

Normalerweise müsse der Patient beweisen,

Normally, the patient has to prove

Ich dachte, ich müsse sterben.

- I thought I was going to die.
- I thought that I was going to die.

Tom sagte, ich müsse warten.

- Tom said I should wait.
- Tom said I had to wait.
- Tom said that I had to wait.

Tom glaubte, er müsse sterben.

- Tom thought he was going to die.
- Tom thought that he was going to die.

Tom fürchtete, Maria müsse sterben.

Tom was afraid Mary was going to die.

Tom sagte, er müsse baden.

- Tom said he needed to take a bath.
- Tom said that he needed to take a bath.

- Tom sagt, er müsse mit dir reden.
- Tom sagt, er müsse mit euch reden.
- Tom sagt, er müsse mit Ihnen reden.
- Tom sagt, er müsse sich mit dir unterhalten.

- Tom says he needs to talk to you.
- Tom says that he needs to talk to you.

Jetzt müsse man die Entwicklungen abwarten.

Now we have to wait for the developments.

Tom sagte, er müsse irgendwo hin.

- Tom said he had to go somewhere.
- Tom said that he had to go somewhere.

Tom sagte mir, ich müsse gehen.

Tom told me I had to leave.

Tom sagte, er müsse das lernen.

- Tom said he needs to learn how to do that.
- Tom said that he needs to learn how to do that.

Tom sagte, ich müsse Französisch lernen.

- Tom said that I had to study French.
- Tom said I had to study French.

Tom glaubt, er müsse bald sterben.

- Tom thinks he's going to die soon.
- Tom thinks that he's going to die soon.

Sie sagte, sie müsse früh gehen.

She said she had to leave early.

Tom sagte, er müsse ins Bett.

Tom said that he needed to go to bed.

- Tom sagt, er müsse mit dir reden.
- Tom sagt, er müsse sich mit dir unterhalten.

Tom says that he needs to talk to you.

- Maria erwähnte, dass sie nächstes Wochenende arbeiten müsse.
- Maria erwähnte, sie müsse nächstes Wochenende arbeiten.

Mary mentioned she had to work next weekend.

Er hat gesagt, ich müsse da hin.

He said that I must go there.

Tom sagt, er müsse mit euch reden.

Tom says that he needs to talk to you.

Tom sagt, er müsse morgen nach Boston.

- Tom says that he has to go to Boston tomorrow.
- Tom says he has to go to Boston tomorrow.

Tom sagte, dass Maria beschützt werden müsse.

Tom said that Mary needed to be protected.

Tom sagte, er müsse am Samstag arbeiten.

- Tom said he had to work on Saturday.
- Tom said that he had to work on Saturday.

Man sagte mir, ich müsse dir helfen.

They told me I had to help you.

Tom sagt, er müsse auf Maria warten.

Tom says he has to wait for Mary.

Sagte Tom, er müsse das nicht tun?

Did Tom say he didn't need to do that?

Maria meinte, Tom müsse das möglicherweise nicht.

Mary said she thought Tom might not need to do that.

Maria meinte, ich müsse das möglicherweise tun.

- Mary said she thought I might have to do that.
- Mary said that I might have to do that.

Maria sagte, sie müsse mit mir reden.

Mary said that she had to talk to me.

Er sagte, er müsse mit mir sprechen.

He said he had to talk to me.

Tom sagt, er müsse mit dir reden.

Tom says that he needs to talk to you.

- Tom sagte, ich müsse Sonnenschutz auftragen.
- Tom sagte, dass ich Sonnenschutz auftragen müsse.
- Tom hat gesagt, dass ich Sonnenschutz auftragen müsse.
- Tom hat gesagt, dass ich Sonnenschutz auftragen muss.
- Tom hat gesagt, ich müsse Sonnenschutz auftragen.

- Tom said I needed to put on some sunscreen.
- Tom said that I needed to put on some sunscreen.

- Mein Arzt sagte mir, ich müsse mehr Wasser trinken.
- Meine Ärztin sagte mir, ich müsse mehr Wasser trinken.

My doctor told me that I should drink more water.

Tom erwähnte, dass er nächstes Wochenende arbeiten müsse.

Tom mentioned he had to work next weekend.

Tom sagte, er müsse einen wichtigen Anruf tätigen.

- Tom said he had an important call to make.
- Tom said that he had an important call to make.

Tom glaubte, Maria müsse um die dreißig sein.

- Tom thought Mary was probably about thirty.
- Tom thought that Mary was probably about thirty.

Tom fragte Maria, ob sie das tun müsse.

Tom asked Mary if she had to do that.

Maria dachte wohl, sie müsse das heute tun.

Mary probably thought she was going to have to do that today.

Maria meinte, Tom müsse das eventuell allein machen.

Mary said she thought Tom might have to do that by himself.

Maria meinte, Tom müsse das nicht draußen machen.

Mary said she doesn't think Tom needed to do that outside.

Maria meinte, ich müsse das gegebenenfalls allein machen.

Mary said she thought I might have to do that by myself.

Maria verriet Tom, warum sie das tun müsse.

Mary told Tom why she had to do that.

Tom meint, er müsse das jetzt nicht tun.

Tom says he won't need to do that now.

- Maria fragte, ob sie wirklich einen Helm tragen müsse.
- Maria hat gefragt, ob sie wirklich einen Helm tragen müsse.

Mary asked if she really needed to wear a helmet.

Der Arzt sagte, dass er meine Schilddrüse untersuchen müsse.

The doctor said he has to look at my thyroid.

Tom sagt, er müsse mit uns etwas Wichtiges bereden.

Tom says he needs to talk to us about something important.

Der Doktor sagte mir, ich müsse aufhören zu rauchen.

The doctor told me I had to stop smoking.

Wir stimmten darin überein, dass etwas getan werden müsse.

We agreed that something must be done.

Tom sagte mir, dass er dreihundert Dollar leihen müsse.

- Tom told me he needed to borrow three hundred dollars.
- Tom told me that he needed to borrow three hundred dollars.

Der Arzt sagte Tom, er müsse sich ausgewogener ernähren.

The doctor told Tom he needed to eat a more balanced diet.

Tom meinte, die Statue müsse etwa 140 kg wiegen.

- Tom said he thought the statue weighed about 300 pounds.
- Tom said that he thought the statue weighed about 300 pounds.
- Tom said that he thought that the statue weighed about 300 pounds.
- Tom said he thought that the statue weighed about 300 pounds.

Ich teilte Tom mit, ich müsse das nicht mehr.

I told Tom I didn't need to do that anymore.

Tom hat bestimmt gedacht, Maria müsse das nicht machen.

- Tom must've thought Mary didn't need to do that.
- Tom must have thought Mary didn't need to do that.

Tom fragte Maria, warum sie das heute tun müsse.

Tom asked Mary why she needed to do that today.

Tom fragte Maria, ob sie das heute tun müsse.

Tom asked Mary if she needed to do that today.

Tom mutmaßte Maria gegenüber, dass Johannes reich sein müsse.

Tom told Mary that he thought John was rich.

Tom sagte, Maria müsse das diese Woche nicht machen.

- Tom said Mary doesn't have to do that this week.
- Tom said that Mary doesn't have to do that this week.

Maria meinte, Tom müsse das nicht unbedingt heute erledigen.

Mary said she didn't think Tom really needed to do that today.

Maria erkundigte sich, ob sie das wirklich tun müsse.

Mary asked if she was really required to do that.

Tom meinte, dass Maria das möglicherweise heute tun müsse.

- Tom said he thought Mary might need to do that today.
- Tom said that he thought Mary might need to do that today.
- Tom said that he thought that Mary might need to do that today.
- Tom said he thought that Mary might need to do that today.

Tom und Maria meinten, ich müsse mich mehr bewegen.

Tom and Mary said they thought I needed to get more exercise.

Ich fragte, ob ich das wirklich alleine machen müsse.

I asked if I really needed to do that by myself.

Tom sagte, dass er wollte, jeder müsse Französisch lernen.

Tom said he wanted everyone to have to learn French.

- Er sagte mir, dass ich die Arbeit um sechs beenden müsse.
- Er sagte mir, ich müsse die Arbeit um sechs beenden.

He told me that I must finish the work by six.

Warum heißt es, man müsse, um zu überleben, Englisch lernen?

Why do they say you have to learn English to survive?

Ich möchte nicht, dass Tom glaubt, er müsse mir helfen.

I don't want Tom to think he has to help me.

Auch dem Verkehrsminister müsse klar sein,

It must also be clear to the Minister of Transport

Tom sagt, er müsse ein paar Wochen in Boston zubringen.

- Tom said he needed to spend a few weeks in Boston.
- Tom said that he needed to spend a few weeks in Boston.

Tom sagte, er habe starke Kopfschmerzen und müsse sich hinlegen.

Tom said that he had a bad headache and needed to lie down.

Tom meinte, ich müsse mehr Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringen.

- Tom told me that I should spend more time with my family.
- Tom told me I should spend more time with my family.

Tom sagt, er wisse nicht, ob er das tun müsse.

Tom says he doesn't know if he has to do that.

Tom meinte, dass Maria das gar nicht unbedingt tun müsse.

- Tom said he didn't think Mary really needed to do that.
- Tom said that he didn't think Mary really needed to do that.
- Tom said that he didn't think that Mary really needed to do that.
- Tom said he didn't think that Mary really needed to do that.

Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, warum Maria das tun müsse.

- Tom said he didn't know why Mary had to do that.
- Tom said that he didn't know why Mary had to do that.

Tom meinte, Maria müsse das noch erledigen, bevor sie gehe.

- Tom said he thought Mary needed to do that before she left.
- Tom said that he thought Mary needed to do that before she left.
- Tom said that he thought that Mary needed to do that before she left.
- Tom said he thought that Mary needed to do that before she left.

Wann haben Sie herausgefunden, dass Tom das nicht tun müsse.

When did you find out that Tom didn't have to do that?

Ihr war, als müsse ihr vor Kummer das Herz zerspringen.

She felt as if her heart would break with grief.

- Ich sagte Tom, er müsse sein Studium ernster nehmen.
- Ich habe ein ernstes Wörtchen mit Tom geredet; er müsse sein Studium ernster nehmen.

I told Tom that he had to take his studies more seriously.

- Tom bat mich, dir zu sagen, dass er dein Auto ausleihen müsse.
- Tom bat mich, Ihnen zu sagen, dass er Ihr Auto ausleihen müsse.
- Tom bat mich, euch zu sagen, dass er euer Auto ausleihen müsse.

Tom wanted me to tell you he needs to borrow your car.

Tom sagte unsere Verabredung ab. Er sagte, er müsse lange arbeiten.

Tom canceled our date. He said he had to work late.

Der Arzt sagte, Tom müsse die nächsten Wochen im Bett bleiben.

The doctor said that Tom has to stay in bed for the next few weeks.

Der Zahnarzt hat mir mitgeteilt, er müsse mir drei Zähne ziehen.

- The dentist told me that he has to pull out three of my teeth.
- The dentist told me he has to pull out three of my teeth.

Tom sagt, er müsse Maria fragen, wohin sie seine Kamera gelegt habe.

Tom says he needs to ask Mary where she put his camera.

man müsse noch einmal eruieren, den Sachverhalt ergründen.

one has to investigate again, fathom the facts.

Maria wirkte überrascht, als Tom ihr mitteilte, dass sie das tun müsse.

Mary seemed surprised when Tom told her she needed to do that.

Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie meinten, er müsse etwas abnehmen.

Tom and Mary told John that they thought he should lose some weight.

Tom und Maria meinten, sie wüssten nicht, warum Johannes das tun müsse.

Tom and Mary said they didn't know why John had to do that.

Tom rief mich an und teilte mir mit, ich müsse sofort kommen.

Tom called me and told me that I should come immediately.