Translation of "Observait" in English

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Observait" in a sentence and their english translations:

Les observait

was observing them

Elle observait le vol des papillons.

She observed how butterflies fly.

Dan observait les enfants dans le parc.

Dan watched the kids at the park.

Qui observait comment les gens faisaient leur lessive.

to go into people's homes and watch them do their laundry.

Vous observait, déterminait votre carrière et votre développement.

observed you, determined your career and your development.

Il observait cela calmement à une distance convenable.

He observed this calmly, from a comfortable distance.

Il observait la course hippique avec ses jumelles.

He watched the horse racing through his binoculars.

Tout en passant inaperçu, Tom observait de près le camp et ses habitants.

Remaining unnoticed, Tom watched closely the camp and its inhabitants.

- Il observait la course hippique avec ses jumelles.
- Il observa la course de chevaux à l'aide de ses jumelles.

- He watched the horse racing through his binoculars.
- He watched the horse race with his binoculars.