Translation of "Nageant" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Nageant" in a sentence and their english translations:

Qui est ce garçon nageant là-bas ?

- Who is the boy that is swimming over there?
- Who's the boy swimming over there?
- Who's the boy that's swimming over there?

- Je vis un chien traverser la rivière en nageant.
- J'ai vu un chien traverser la rivière en nageant.

I saw a dog swim across the river.

Il s'est noyé en nageant dans la rivière.

He drowned while swimming in the river.

En nageant, j'ai eu une crampe à la jambe.

- I had a leg cramp when swimming.
- While I was swimming, I got a cramp in my leg.

J'ai vu un chien traverser la rivière en nageant.

I saw a dog swim across the river.

Je vis un chien traverser la rivière en nageant.

I saw a dog swim across the river.

Les loutres de mer adorent manger des palourdes tout en nageant sur le dos.

Sea otters love to eat clams while swimming on their backs.

D'un fourré tout proche, trois magnifiques cygnes blancs ont surgi en faisant bruisser leurs plumes tout en nageant doucement sur l'eau calme.

From a thicket close by came three beautiful white swans, rustling their feathers, and swimming lightly over the smooth water.

" Mais avant, meurs ! " Il dit ; et, d'un bras sanguinaire, / du monarque traîné par ses cheveux blanchis, / et nageant dans le sang du dernier de ses fils, / il pousse vers l'autel la vieillesse tremblante ; / de l'autre, saisissant l'épée étincelante, / lève le fer mortel, l'enfonce, et de son flanc / arrache avec la vie un vain reste de sang.

"Now die!" – So speaking, to the shrine he tore / the aged Priam, trembling with affright, / and feebly sliding in his son's warm gore. / The left hand twists his hoary locks; the right / deep in his side drives home the falchion, bared and bright.