Translation of "“what" in Turkish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "“what" in a sentence and their turkish translations:



What? What did you say?

Ne? Ne dedin?

- What motivates you?
- What motivated you?
- What drives you?

Seni ne motive etti?

- What happened then?
- Then what happened?
- What happens then?

Sonra ne oldu?

- What horrible weather.
- What awful weather!
- What horrible weather!

- Ne berbat bir hava!
- Ne korkunç hava!

- What is it?
- What is this?
- What's this?
- What is that?
- What are these?

O nedir?

- What a pity!
- What a pity.

- Yazık.
- Ne yazık!

- What a pain!
- What a pain.

Ne kadar acı.

- What is hemoglobin?
- What is haemoglobin?

Hemoglobin nedir?

- What awful weather!
- What horrible weather!

Ne korkunç bir hava!

- What a mess!
- What a mess.

- Ne dağınıklık!
- Bu ne dağınıklık?

- So what happened?
- So, what happened?

Ee, ne oldu?

- What a disappointment!
- What a letdown!

Ne bir hayal kırıklığı!

- What a shame!
- What a shame.

Ne ayıp!

- What is happiness?
- What is luck?

Mutluluk nedir?

- What an asshole!
- What a prick!

- Ne bok kafalı!
- Ne pislikmiş!

- What beautiful weather!
- What lovely weather!

Ne güzel bir hava!

- What a jerk!
- What a jerk.

Ne pislik ama!

What? What are you talking about?

Ne? Ne hakkında konuşuyorsun?

- What actually happened?
- What really happened?

Gerçekten ne oldu?

- So what?
- What do I care?

Bana ne?

- Come what may!
- Come what may.

Ne olursa olsun!

- What a fiasco!
- What a failure!

Ne fiyasko ama!

- What a waste!
- What a waste.

Ne atık ama!

- What caused it?
- What caused this?

Ona ne sebep oldu?

- What kind is it?
- What kind?

Onun türü nedir?

- What a bore.
- What a bore!

Ne sıkıcı.

- What a bummer!
- What a bummer.

- Ne yazık.
- Ne üzücü.

- That's what counts.
- That's what matters.

Önemli olan budur.

"What about Tom?" "What about him?"

"Peki ya Tom?" "Ne olmuş Tom'a?"

- What happened in there?
- What happened out there?
- What happened over there?
- What happened there?

Orada ne oldu?

- What is it?
- What is this?
- What's this?
- What is that?

Bu nedir?

- What is it?
- What's that?
- What is this?
- What is that?

O ne?

- What does it mean?
- What does this mean?
- What does that mean?
- What does this say?

Bu ne anlama geliyor?

- What made you mad?
- What made her mad?
- What made you angry?
- What made her angry?

Onu ne kızdırdı?

- What a queer story!
- What a strange story!
- What a bizarre story!
- What a bizarre tale!

- Ne tuhaf bir hikaye!
- Ne garip bir hikaye!

Boring? What?"

Demek sıkıcı? Nasıl yani? "

Guess what?

Bilin bakalım gerçek ne.

Like what?

Ne gibi mi?

What happens?

Ne mi olur?

What happened?

Ne oldu?

What time?

Saat kaç?

What for?

Ne için?

What fun!

Ne eğlenceli!

- What?
- Pardon?


What gives?

Sorun ne?

What nonsense!

Ne saçma!

What about?

Ne hakkında?

Guess what!

Tahmin et!

What page?

Hangi sayfa?

So what?

- Öyleyse ne yapmalı?
- Ne yani?
- Ne olmuş?
- E yani?
- Eee?

What else?

- Başka ne?
- Başka?

About what?

Ne hakkında?

She's what?

O ney?

What floor?

Kaçıncı kat?

Then what?

Peki ya sonra?

What memory!

Ne bellek!

What kind?

Ne tür?

That's what makes TED what it is.

TED'i TED yapan şey de bu,

About what works, what does not work,

fikir ve çözümlerini paylaşabilecekleri

- What to do?
- What should we do?

Ne yapmalıyız?

- What's that?
- What are these?
- What happens?

Bunlar nedir?

- What a piece of folly!
- What foolishness!

Ne aptallık!

- What is it?
- What happened?
- What's happened?

Ne oldu?

- You know what?
- What do you know?

Ne biliyorsun?

What made you do what you did?

Yaptığın şeyi ne yaptırdı?

What do you know about what happened?

Ne olduğu hakkında ne biliyorsun?

- What could happen?
- What could be happening?

Ne oluyor olabilir?

- What could've happened?
- What could have happened?

Ne olabilirdi?

- What should've happened?
- What should have happened?

Ne olmalıydı?

What you see is what you get.

- Ne görüyorsan onu alırsın.
- Ne görüyorsan o.

What did Tom say about what happened?

Tom ne olduğu hakkında ne söyledi?

- What is it this time?
- What, again?

- Yine ne var?
- Bu sefer ne oldu?

- What was going on?
- What was happening?

Neler oluyordu?

What? I can't hear what you're saying.

Ne? Ne dediğini duyamıyorum.

What do I care what Tom thinks?

Tom'un ne düşündüğünden bana ne?

What are your fears? What are your hopes? What are your dreams?

Korkuların ne? Umutların ne? Hayallerin ne?

- What are you suggesting?
- What are you proposing?
- What would you advise?

Ne öneriyorsun?

- What a nice surprise!
- What a pleasant surprise!
- What a lovely surprise!

- Ne güzel bir sürpriz!
- Ne hoş bir sürpriz!

- What a touching story!
- What a heartbreaking story!
- What a heartwarming story!

Ne heyecanlandırıcı bir hikaye!

- What should I do?
- What do I do?
- What am I doing?

- Ne yapıyorum?
- Ben ne yapıyorum?

- What did he say?
- What did you say?
- What did she say?

- O ne dedi?
- Ne söyledi?

- What did you have?
- What have you taken?
- What did you get?

Ne aldın?

- That's what everyone's saying.
- That's what everybody says.
- That's what everyone says.

Herkesin söylediği budur.

- What color is this?
- What color is it?
- What colour is this?

Bu ne renk?