Translation of "Awful" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Awful" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

It's awful, just awful.

Es horrible, simplemente horrible.

How awful!

¡Qué horror!

We said, "It's awful, is really awful."

Dijimos: "Es horrible, es realmente horrible".

- They're both awful.
- They are both awful.

- Los dos son espantosos.
- Ambos son pésimos.

What awful weather!

¡Qué pésimo clima!

You look awful.

- Te ves horrible.
- Tienes un aspecto horrible.

It looked awful.

Se veía horrible.

You smell awful.

Hueles horrible.

Tom looks awful.

Tom se ve terrible.

In an awful ghetto,

en un gueto horrible,

Awful her Haiti story.

Tremendo lo que dijo de Haití.

The story is awful.

La historia es terrible.

I know it's awful.

Sé que es horrible.

I smell something awful.

Huelo algo que apesta.

The script was awful.

El guion era horroroso.

The movie was awful.

La película fue horrorosa.

You're an awful hog.

Eres un cerdo detestable.

They are both awful.

Los dos son espantosos.

I look awful today.

Me veo espantoso hoy.

- That's terrible.
- This is horrible.
- This is terrible.
- That's awful.
- It's awful.
- This is awful.
- It's terrible.
- It's horrible.

- Esto es terrible.
- Es terrible.

- That's terrible.
- You're terrible.
- That's awful.
- It's awful.
- It's terrible.
- He's terrible.

Es terrible.

That was an awful day.

Aquél fue un día horrible.

It was an awful week.

Fue una semana terrible.

It was an awful performance.

Fue una actuación terrible.

What Tom did was awful.

Lo que Tom hizo fue espantoso.

You're awful at keeping secrets.

Eres pésimo para guardar secretos.

Why are you so awful?

¿Por qué eres tan horrible?

I feel awful about that.

- Me siento muy mal por eso.
- Me siento fatal por eso.

I had an awful day.

Tuve un día horroroso.

An awful accident happened yesterday.

Ayer ocurrió un horrible accidente.

Without you, life is awful.

Sin ti la vida es horrible.

I caught an awful cold.

He agarrado un catarro atroz.

"Natto" smells awful, but tastes delicious.

- El "natto" huele mal, pero sabe delicioso.
- El natto huele espantoso, pero sabe delicioso.

She is in an awful mood.

Ella está de pésimo humor.

- What awful weather!
- What horrible weather!

¡Qué pésimo clima!

- It was horrible!
- It was awful.

¡Fue horrible!

I like her an awful lot.

Me gusta una barbaridad.

Natto smells awful but tastes delicious.

El natto huele horrible pero sabe delicioso.

Tom has changed an awful lot.

Tom ha cambiado un montón.

How awful is that going to look?

¿Qué mal quedaré?

Where did you find this awful dog?

¿Dónde encontraste a este horrible perro?

Is it always so awful in April?

¿Siempre hace un tiempo tan horrible en abril?

I know I did an awful thing.

Sé que hice algo horrible.

This bike is awful; it's too heavy.

Esta bicicleta es pésima; es demasiado pesada.

- This is terrible.
- It's awful.
- It's terrible.

- Esto es terrible.
- Es terrible.

It's an awful shame your wife couldn't come.

Es una enorme lástima que tu esposa no pudiera venir.

I made an awful mistake in the test.

En la prueba cometí un terrible error.

To put it bluntly, your sweat smells awful.

Para decirlo sin rodeos, tu sudor huele asqueroso.

- I look awful today.
- I look terrible today.

Me veo espantoso hoy.

Mr Koizumi thinks an awful lot of himself.

El Sr. Koizumi se cree muy muy.

- I think that's awful.
- I think that's horrible.

Creo que eso es horrible.

- It was an awful movie.
- It was a terrible movie.
- It was an awful film.
- It was a terrible film.

Fue una película terrible.

“I had the most awful date of my life.”

“He tenido la peor cita de mi vida”.

The word “awful” doesn’t do justice to the sensation.

La palabra "horrible" no le hace justicia a la sensación.

- I feel terrible.
- I feel awful.
- I feel horrible.

Me siento fatal.

- You look awful.
- You look terrible.
- You look horrible.

Estás fea.

That car is no doubt in an awful condition.

No es de maravillarse que el auto esté en pésimas condiciones.

Take for example the awful news story of Boko Haram

Consideren esa horrible noticia en Boko Haram:

If a falafel fell off a Löffel, Phil’d feel awful,

Si un falafel se cayera, Phil sufriría mucho,

There are very few shops and the cinema is awful.

Hay pocas tiendas y el cine es terrible.

- Why are you so awful?
- Why are you so ugly?

¿Por qué eres tan feo?

- It was an awful week.
- It was a terrible week.

Fue una semana terrible.

- I like her an awful lot.
- I like something disgusting.

Me gusta una barbaridad.

But the awful part is when she says that public education

Pero lo tremendo es que dice que la educación pública

I don't recommend eating in that restaurant. The food is awful.

- Yo no recomiendo comer en este restaurante. La comida es horrible.
- No recomiendo comer en aquel restaurante. La comida es repugnante.

- It was horrible!
- It was awful.
- It was horrible.
- That was terrible.

¡Fue horrible!

I dare not probe too deeply, lest I uncover the awful truth!

¡No me atrevo a investigar demasiado profundamente, para no descubrir la horrorosa verdad!

- This medicine tastes horrible.
- This medicine tastes terrible.
- This medicine tastes awful.

Esta medicina sabe horrible.

Turn the energy that you have towards hatred for this awful thing

cambien esa energía de odio que tienen por esta atrocidad

Already predicted that when they'd be old, they were going to feel awful.

ya predecían que cuando envejeciesen, se iban a sentir horrible.

One, it does awful and you skip town and never direct something again,

Una, le va fatal y tienes que huir y nunca dirigir de nuevo

Like that awful taste in your mouth, the smell of burning, decaying fish,

como el horrible sabor en la boca, el olor a quemado, a pescado podrido,

And keep walking and can you imagine how awful is something like that?

siguen caminando y ¿se pueden imaginar lo feo que es algo así?

The only difference between an awful cook and a poisoner is the intention.

La única diferencia entre una mala cocinera y un envenenador es la intención.