Translation of "Written " in Spanish

0.075 sec.

Examples of using "Written " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

You could've written.

Pudiste haber escrito.

- How is your surname written?
- How is your family name written?
- How is your last name written?

- ¿Cómo se escribe su apellido?
- ¿Cómo se escribe vuestro apellido?

We haven't written much

no hemos escrito mucho

The letter was written.

La carta fue escrita.

I've written three letters.

He escrito tres cartas.

It's all been written.

Ha sido escrito todo.

It's written like that.

Así es como está escrito.

It's written in lowercase.

Se escribe en minúsculas.

- You should not have written that.
- You shouldn't have written that.

- No debiste escribir eso.
- Usted no debió escribir eso.
- Ustedes no debieron escribir eso.

- That song was written by Tom.
- This song was written by Tom.

Esa canción fue escrita por Tom.

- History is written by the victors.
- History is written by the winners.

- La historia la escriben los que ganan.
- La historia la escriben los vencedores.

After having written various novels,

Después de haber escrito varias novelas,

He has written two books.

Él ha escrito dos libros.

This word is written capitalized.

Esa palabra se escribe con mayúscula.

I have written a letter.

Escribí una carta.

Tom has written three books.

Tom ha escrito tres libros.

You've neither written nor phoned.

Tú ni has escrito ni telefoneado.

What have I just written?

¿Qué acabo de escribir?

Have you written a book?

¿Tú has escrito un libro?

What's written in the letter?

¿De qué se trata la carta?

Mathematics is written for mathematicians.

La matemática se escribe para los matemáticos.

I shouldn't have written that.

No debí escribir eso.

We shouldn't have written that.

No debimos escribir eso.

They shouldn't have written that.

Ellas no debieron escribir eso.

Tom has written a book.

Tom ha escrito un libro.

This sentence isn't written clearly.

Esta oración no se ha escrito claramente.

She has written several books.

Ella escribió varios libros.

What's written on this sheet?

¿Qué está escrito en esta hoja?

Have you written to Tom?

- ¿Le escribiste a Tomás?
- ¿Le has escrito a Tomás?

Many campaign songs were written.

Muchas canciones para la campaña fueron escritas.

How is your surname written?

¿Cómo se escribe su apellido?

Tom has written three novels.

- Tom escribió tres novelas.
- Tom ha escrito tres novelas.

- He hasn't written the letter yet.
- He still has not written the letter.

Todavía no ha escrito la carta.

- My brother must've written this letter.
- My brother must have written this letter.

Mi hermano debe de haber escrito esta carta.

- Yiddish is written with the Hebrew alphabet.
- Yiddish is written in Hebrew characters.

El yidis se escribe con letras hebreas.

- The manuscript had been written out by hand.
- The manuscript had been written by hand.
- The manuscript was written by hand.

El manuscrito fue hecho a mano.

Written by professional authors and writers -

escritas por autores y escritores profesionales;

Now it is written as follows;

Ahora está escrito de la siguiente manera;

The letter was written by her.

La carta fue escrita por ella.

That was written by Taro Akagawa.

Eso lo escribió Taro Akagawa.

Yes, he has already written it.

Sí, él ya lo ha escrito.

She can't have written it herself.

No puede ser que lo haya escrito ella misma.

He will have written a letter.

Habrá escrito una carta.

Has he written the letter yet?

¿Él ya escribió la carta?

Most signs are written in English.

La mayoría de los letreros están escritos en inglés.

Tom has written hundreds of songs.

Tom ha escrito cientos de canciones.

The article was written in Russian.

El artículo fue escrito en ruso.

Emi has never written a letter.

Emi no ha escrito nunca una carta.

My brother must've written this letter.

Mi hermano debe de haber escrito esta carta.

Was this letter written by Mary?

- ¿Esta carta la escribió Mary?
- ¿Ha escrito Mary esta carta?

This book is written in English.

Este libro está escrito en inglés.

This president has written his memoirs.

Ese presidente escribió sus memorias.

The letter was written by Tom.

- La carta fue escrita por Tom.
- La carta la escribió Tom.

How is your family name written?

¿Cómo se escribe tu apellido?

It is written in his face.

Está escrito en su cara.

Yiddish is written in Hebrew characters.

El yidis se escribe con letras hebreas.

Who was the letter written to?

¿Para quién se escribió esta carta?

This book was written by Haley.

Este libro fue escrito por Haley.

I know how it is written.

Yo sé como escribirlo.

You should not have written that.

No debiste escribir eso.

I have already written a letter.

- Yo ya escribí una carta.
- Ya he escrito una carta.

Is written in 4/4 time.

está escrito en tiempo 4/4.

The book is written in Spanish.

El libro está escrito en español.

The article was written in French.

El artículo estaba escrito en francés.

The message is written in French.

El mensaje está escrito en francés.

This book is written in French.

Este libro está escrito en francés.

Tom has written several cook books.

Tom ha escrito varios libros de cocina.

That song was written by Tom.

Esa canción fue escrita por Tom.

So far I've written five songs.

He escrito cinco canciones hasta la actualidad.

How many songs has Tom written?

¿Cuántas canciones ha escrito Tom?

That's how we want it written.

- Así es como lo queremos escrito.
- Así es como deseamos que se escriba.