Translation of "To have" in Spanish

0.025 sec.

Examples of using "To have" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- It's good to have you back!
- It's good to have you back.

- ¡Qué bueno que estés de vuelta!
- ¡Qué bueno tenerte de vuelta!

- I seem to have a temperature.
- I seem to have a fever.

Parece que tengo fiebre.

- We're going to have a baby!
- We're going to have a baby.

¡Vamos a tener un bebé!

- Do you want to have children?
- Do you want to have kids?

- ¿Quieres tener hijos?
- ¿Quieren tener hijos?

- I need to have breakfast first.
- I'll need to have breakfast first.

Primero tengo que desayunar.

We want to have leaders.

Queremos tener líderes.

How to have healthy relationships.

a cómo tener relaciones sanas.

An important experience to have?

algo importante que experimentar?

Known to have sparked life,

donde ha surgido la vida,

To have a balanced budget.

de tener un presupuesto equilibrado.

You need to have breakfast.

Necesitas desayunar.

Tom likes to have fun.

A Tom le gusta divertirse.

I want to have fun.

Quiero divertirme.

I wanted to have children.

Quería tener hijos.

Tom appears to have vanished.

Tom parece haber desaparecido.

We're about to have guests.

Estamos a punto de recibir a los invitados.

I'm lucky to have this.

Tengo suerte de tenerlo.

We're here to have fun.

Estamos aquí para divertirnos.

I'm going to have coffee.

Tomaré café.

I want to have it.

Quiero tenerlo.

Tom seems to have disappeared.

Parece que Tom ha desaparecido.

I'm about to have lunch.

Estoy a punto de almorzar.

We've got to have fun.

y me divierto.

I like to have fun.

Me gusta divertirme.

I want to have children.

Quiero tener niños.

- I'm going to have a siesta.
- I am going to have a nap.

Me voy a echar una siesta.

- She is going to have a baby.
- She's going to have a baby.

Ella va a tener un bebé.

- We are going to have a baby.
- We're going to have a baby.

Vamos a tener un bebé.

- We're not here to have fun.
- We are not here to have fun.

No estamos aquí para divertirnos.

- Do you want to have some fun?
- Do you want to have fun?

¿Te quieres divertir?

- I am sorry to have troubled you.
- I'm sorry to have troubled you.

Disculpame por haberte molestado.

- I am to have lunch with him.
- I'm scheduled to have lunch with him.
- I plan to have lunch with him.

Planeo almorzar con él.

- Mr White seems to have many friends.
- Mr. White seems to have many friends.

El Sr. White parece tener muchos amigos.

- I used to have a MiniDisc player.
- I used to have an MD player.

Solía tener un reproductor de MiniDisc.

- I want to have sex with him.
- I want to have sex with her.

Quiero tener sexo con él.

- She appears to have many friends.
- She appears to have a lot of friends.

Ella parece tener muchos amigos.

She seems to have an illness,

Parece que tiene una enfermedad,

They invited me to have sex,

Me invitaban a tener sexo,

To have a good day everyday,

tener un buen día cada día,

To have a conversation among us,

para dialogar entre nosotros,

And to have an effective contraceptive,

y, para tener un anticonceptivo eficaz,

The locals seem to have vanished.

Parece que los locales se han desvanecido.

Which we wanted to have here.

que queríamos tener aquí.

To have bought an apartment here,

de haber comprado un apartamento aquí,

It's good to have you back!

¡Qué bueno tenerte de vuelta!

You're too young to have alcohol.

- Sos demasiado joven para tomar alcohol.
- Eres demasiado joven para beber alcohol.

Sorry to have kept you waiting.

Siento haberte hecho esperar.

What are you going to have?

¿Qué vas a pedir tú?

It's great to have a family.

Es genial tener una familia.

Women want to have sex too.

También las mujeres quieren tener sexo.

She seemed to have been ill.

Ella parecía haber estado enferma.

She seems to have been happy.

Ella parece haber sido feliz.

He seems to have been rich.

Él parece haber sido rico.

She appears to have been rich.

Aparentemente ella había sido rica.

They're going to have a baby.

- Ellos van a tener un bebé.
- Van a ser papás.

I'd like to have an answer.

Me gustaría tener una respuesta.

It's practical to have a laptop.

- Es práctico tener una computadora portátil.
- Es práctico tener un laptop.
- Es práctico tener un portátil.

I'd like to have a cat.

Me gustaría tener un gato.

He seemed to have been ill.

Parecía haber estado enfermo.

I'm lucky to have sincere friends.

Soy afortunado de tener amigos sinceros.

I seem to have a temperature.

Parece que tengo fiebre.

I want to have a sword!

¡Quiero tener una espada!

I'm going to have a siesta.

Me voy a echar una siesta.

I'm going to have a baby.

Voy a tener un bebé.

I want to have my breakfast.

Quiero mi desayuno.

I believed to have become immortal.

Creía haberme vuelto inmortal.

Isn't it good to have friends?

¿No es bueno tener amigos?

He is said to have died.

Se dice que ha muerto.

I'm sorry to have bothered you.

- Lamento molestarte.
- Perdón por haberlo molestado.
- Perdón por haberte molestado.

They just want to have fun.

Ellos solo quieren divertirse.

He just wants to have fun.

Él solo quiere divertirse.

She just wants to have fun.

Ella solo quiere divertirse.

I just want to have fun.

Yo solo quiero divertirme.

I want you to have fun.

Quiero que te diviertas.

I want you to have this.

- Quiero que te quedes con esto.
- Quiero que tengas esto.

Tom wanted you to have this.

Tom quería que tengas esto.

I want you to have something.

Quiero que tengas algo.

Do you want to have children?

¿Quieren tener hijos?