Translation of "Sunburn" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Sunburn" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

My sunburn hurts.

Me duele la quemadura.

I need sunburn lotion.

- Necesito protector solar.
- Necesito loción para las quemaduras del sol.

My cat has a sunburn.

Mi gato tiene quemaduras de sol.

My sunburn has started to blister.

Mi quemadura de sol ha comenzado a llenarse de ampollas.

- I need sun block.
- I need sunburn lotion.

- Necesito protector solar.
- Necesito loción para las quemaduras del sol.

Christine stayed in the shade all day, because she didn't want to get a sunburn.

Christine se quedó en la sombra todo el día, porque ella no quiso conseguir una quemadura de sol.

If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, you are likely to get a sunburn.

Si pasas demasiado tiempo al sol sin ponerte protector solar, es probable que te quemes.

If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.

Si no quieres ponerte protector solar es tu problema, pero no vengas a quejarte conmigo cuando tengas quemaduras de sol.