Translation of "Slime" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Slime" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- The slime was black and stinky.
- The slime was blackish and smelly.

El cieno era negruzco y hediento.

And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

Entonces Dios formó al hombre con polvo del suelo, e insufló en sus narices aliento de vida, y resultó el hombre un ser viviente.

And each one said to his neighbour: Come, let us make brick, and bake them with fire. And they had brick instead of stones, and slime instead of mortar.

Entonces se dijeron el uno al otro: "Vamos a fabricar ladrillos y a cocerlos al fuego." Así el ladrillo les servía de piedra y el betún de argamasa.

And when she could hide him no longer, she took a basket made of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and pitch: and put the little babe therein, and laid him in the sedges by the river's brink, his sister standing afar off, and taking notice what would be done.

No pudiendo esconderlo por más tiempo, tomó una cestilla de papiro, la calafateó con betún y pez, metió en ella al niño, y la puso entre los juncos, a la orilla del Río. La hermana del niño se apostó a lo lejos para ver lo que le pasaba.