Translation of "Possibly " in Spanish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Possibly " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Possibly football?

Probablemente el fútbol...

- I cannot possibly come.
- I can't possibly come.

Posiblemente no pueda venir.

That imperfection, possibly,

a esa parte imperfecta, posiblemente,

And possibly Alzheimer's disease.

y posiblemente vinculado al Alzheimer.

And possibly the environment.

y posiblemente por el medio ambiente.

Well, possibly you're right.

Bueno, es posible que tengas razón.

It can't possibly work.

Es imposible que funcione.

Alice may possibly come.

Alicia posiblemente podría venir.

I can't possibly allow that.

No puedo permitirlo por ningún motivo.

Who can it possibly be?

¿Quién puede ser?

"What can possibly go wrong?"

"¿Qué puede salir mal?"

I cannot possibly help you.

Me es imposible ayudarte.

It may possibly be fine tomorrow.

Posiblemente haga buen día mañana.

Tom is crazy, and possibly dangerous.

Tom está loco y puede ser peligroso.

Tom's last name is possibly Jackson.

El apellido de Tom es posiblemente Jackson.

Possibly, the accident will delay his arrival.

Posiblemente, el accidente retrase su llegada.

- I cannot possibly help you.
- It is impossible for me to help you.
- I can't possibly help you.

Me es imposible ayudarte.

And quite possibly surgery to deliver her calf,

Y posiblemente requiera cirugía para tener a su cría,

And that there are possibly some additional advantages

y posiblemente también haya otras ventajas adicionales

He can't possibly write the letter by himself.

Él no puede haber escrito la carta por sí mismo.

This is quite possibly the greatest album ever!

¡Este es muy posiblemente el mejor álbum de la historia!

That's the worst thing that could possibly happen.

Eso es lo peor que podría suceder.

Read as many books as you possibly can.

Lee tantos libros como te sea posible.

They can't possibly work. They are all fake.

No es posible que funcionen. Todas son falsas.

Everything about DHA and EPA you could possibly imagine.

todo lo que se puedan imaginar sobre DHA y EPA.

- What could go wrong?
- What could possibly go wrong?

¿Qué podría salir mal?

Possibly the factory will be closed down next week.

La fábrica podría cerrar la semana entrante.

My father will possibly come on the next train.

Es probable que mi padre venga en el siguiente tren.

We would ask ourselves, "What can possibly go wrong?"

nos preguntamos, "¿Qué podría salir mal?"

Then how can they possibly be represented by them?

¿cómo les van a poder representar?

What's the most difficult landing area you can possibly imagine?

cuál es el área de aterrizaje más difícil que puede imaginar.

NB: Possibly, there is the first part, the not feasible.

NB: Posiblemente en la primera parte, en la no factibilidad,

Tom couldn't possibly have done what you claimed he did.

No es posible que Tom pudiera hacer lo que tú alegabas que él hizo.

And what happened was everything that could possibly go wrong did.

y todo lo que podía salir mal, salió mal.

Gives you the possibly to create something that is patient-specific.

nos da la posibilidad de crear algo que es específico para el paciente.

Possibly the fossilized tracks belong to animals of the Jurassic period.

Puede ser que las huellas fosilizadas pertenezcan a animales del período jurásico.

I could not possibly finish the work in a few days.

Es imposible que yo termine el trabajo en unos pocos días.

How could you possibly be taking account of this most fundamental difference

¿cómo es posible tomar en cuenta esta diferencia tan fundamental

A millionaire CEO couldn't possibly speak for the man on the street.

Un CEO millonario seguramente no sabe nada del hombre promedio.

He studied day and night in order to possibly become a lawyer.

Estudió día y noche para llegar a ser abogado.

And I couldn't possibly cover all of them in one 18 minute talk.

no sería posible cubrir todas en una charla de 18 minutos.

- What could go wrong?
- What could possibly go wrong?
- What can go wrong?

¿Qué podría salir mal?

I was just wondering if Tom could possibly be in love with Mary.

- Me preguntaba si cabría la posibilidad de que Tom esté enamorado de Mary.
- Solo me preguntaba si Tom podría estar enamorado de Mary.

To warn and educate the public about the possibly disastrous consequences of their creations.

para advertir y educar al público sobre las posiblemente desastrozas consecuencias, producto de los mismos científicos

Terrible roads, and he himself unwell - possibly  not yet recovered from his ordeal in Russia.

carreteras terribles y él mismo enfermo, posiblemente aún no recuperado de su terrible experiencia en Rusia.

- She might know the answer.
- She might possibly know the answer.
- Maybe she knows the answer.

- Puede que ella sepa la respuesta.
- Quizá ella sepa la respuesta.
- Ella podría saber la respuesta.

In Russian, the words for "caress, endearment" and "least weasel" are homonymous and possibly related etymologically.

En ruso, las palabras para "caricia, cariño" y "comadreja enana" son homónimas y posiblemente están relacionadas etimológicamente.

- This can't be true.
- It can't possibly be true.
- This can't be real.
- This cannot be real.

Tal cosa no puede ser cierta.

Losing most of his elephants (possibly all but one) is the only major loss for Hannibal at Trebia.

Perder a la mayoría de sus elefantes ( posiblemente todos menos uno) es la única perdida grave para Hannibal en Trebia.

Look, nuclear should be off the table, but would there be a time when it could be used? Possibly."

Mira, las armas nucleares no deberian discutirse, pero, ¿Habra un momento para utilizarlas? Posiblemente"

He relays the plan to his captain, possibly a boyar named Gales, ordering him to flank the Ottoman rear from the east.

Él le confía el plan a su capitán, posiblemente un boyardo de nombe Gales, ordenándole flanquear la retaguardia otomana desde el este.

- That can't be true.
- That cannot be true.
- It can not be true.
- It can't be true.
- That can't possibly be true.

- No puede ser cierto.
- No puede ser verdad.
- Eso no puede ser verdad.