Translation of "Lgbt" in Spanish

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Lgbt" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

This website is all about the LGBT.

Este sitio web se trata de la LGBT.

We meet LGBT migrants from all over the world

Nos encontramos con migrantes LGBT de todo el mundo

Same-sex adoption rights are an important issue for the LGBT* community.

Los derechos de adopción de parejas del mismo sexo son una importante cuestión para la comunidad GLBT*.

The fact that you think LGBT people have chosen to be LGBT is insulting to me. What exactly have we chosen? Have we chosen for us to be mocked by others or break our families apart? For us to not get apartments rented or jobs? Do you believe it's pleasing for us to see you discussing whether we deserve rights?

Es insultante que penséis que las personas LGTBI hemos elegido ser LGTBI. ¿Qué creéis que hemos elegido? ¿Qué se rían de nosotros o romper con nuestras familias? ¿Que no nos alquilen pisos o nos rechacen en trabajos? ¿Creéis que es placentero veros dudar si merecemos derechos?

"LGBT communities around the world are calling you a 'hero', and say that you were framed," Al-Sayib explained. "But the law enforcement agencies are all labeling you as a ruthless murderer. Which one are you, Dima?"

—Las comunidades LGBT de todo el mundo te tratan de "héroe" y dicen que te tendieron una trampa —le explicó Al-Sayib—; pero las agencias del orden público te etiquetan como un asesino despiadado. ¿Cuál de los dos eres, Dima?