Translation of "Jokes" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Jokes" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Your jokes aren't funny.
- His jokes aren't funny.
- His jokes are not funny.

Tus chistes no son graciosos.

Tom never jokes.

Tom nunca bromea.

He tells jokes.

Él lleva chismes.

- I love jokes about animals.
- I love animal jokes.

Me encantan las bromas acerca de animales.

Her jokes fell flat.

Sus bromas no hicieron gracia.

He doesn't get jokes.

- No entiende los chistes.
- Él no entiende las bromas.

Everybody likes his jokes.

A todos les gustan sus chistes.

I hate dirty jokes.

Odio los chistes verdes.

She likes my jokes.

Le gustan mis bromas.

He likes my jokes.

Le gustan mis bromas.

Tom doesn't tell jokes.

- Tom no hace chistes.
- Tom no cuenta chistes.

Your jokes aren't funny.

- Tus bromas no son divertidas.
- Tus bromas no son graciosas.

I love practical jokes.

Me encantan las bromas.

Toby can't tell jokes.

Toby no sabe contar chistes.

They were always making jokes.

Ellos siempre estaban bromeando.

His jokes made us laugh.

Sus bromas nos hicieron reír.

His jokes are always flat.

Sus chistes son siempre sosos.

Tom never jokes about money.

Tom nunca bromea acerca del dinero.

I don't like his jokes.

No me gustan sus chistes.

I don't like dirty jokes.

No me gustan los chistes verdes.

I like Norwegian Swedish jokes.

Me gustan los chistes de suecos noruegos.

His jokes really slay me.

Sus bromas realmente me matan.

He always tells vulgar jokes.

Siempre hace chistes chabacanos.

You never get my jokes.

- Nunca entiendes mis chistes.
- Nunca entiendes mis bromas.

I like to tell jokes.

Me gusta contar chistes.

I'm going to do some jokes.

Haré algunas bromas.

Was through not jokes but stories.

no mediante bromas sino historias.

Many jokes are still a subject

muchos chistes siguen siendo un tema

They all laughed at his jokes.

- Todos se rieron de los chistes que él contó.
- Le reían todas sus gracias.

His crude jokes made Jane angry.

Sus bromas de mal gusto sacaban a Jane de quicio.

Tom never jokes about his job.

Tom nunca bromea acerca de su trabajo.

People here laugh at my jokes.

La gente aquí se ríe de mis bromas.

His jokes border on the insulting.

Sus bromas son casi una ofensa.

I bought a book of jokes.

Compré un libro de chistes.

Her jokes made us all laugh.

Sus bromas nos hicieron reír a todos.

Tom likes to tell dirty jokes.

A Tom le gusta contar chistes verdes.

She likes to tell dirty jokes.

Le gusta contar chistes verdes.

I read jokes almost every day.

Leo chistes todos los días.

He especially loves to tell jokes.

A él le encanta contar chistes.

Don't annoy me with those jokes.

¡Hombre, no me fastidies con esas bromas!

Tom laughs at his own jokes.

Tomás se ríe de sus propias bromas.

Tom always falls for my jokes.

Tom siempre se cree mis bromas.

His jokes had us in stitches.

Sus bromas nos hacían partirnos de risa.

Tom seldom laughed at Mary's jokes.

Tom se reía poco de las bromas de Mary.

Tom isn't good at telling jokes.

Tom no es bueno contando chistes.

Tom is bad at telling jokes.

- Tom es malo contando chistes.
- A Tom se le da mal contar chistes.

- I could not help laughing at his jokes.
- I couldn't help but laugh at his jokes.

No pude evitar reírme de sus bromas.

But you need more than just jokes

Pero se necesita más que solo bromas

He often laughs at his own jokes.

A menudo él se ríe de sus propias bromas.

Tom was the subject of numerous jokes.

Tom fue objeto de numerosas bromas.

I cannot help laughing at her jokes.

No puedo evitar reírme de sus bromas

I was bored with his old jokes.

- Estaba aburrida de sus viejos chistes.
- Estaba aburrido de sus viejos chistes.

His jokes are not funny at all.

Sus chistes no son para nada graciosos.

I don't know a lot of jokes.

No me sé muchos chistes.

Why doesn't he tell me jokes anymore?

¿Por qué ya no me cuenta chistes?

This book is full of dirty jokes.

Este libro esta repleto de chistes sucios.

Tom isn't very good at telling jokes.

A Tomás no se le da muy bien contar chistes.

Fabio always cracks some super funny jokes.

Fabio siempre cuenta unos chistes divertidísimos.

Tom laughed at all of Mary's jokes.

Tom se rió de todos los chistes de Mary.

To telling offensive jokes to texting in meetings.

decirle bromas ofensivas o escribir mensajes en reuniones.

Told great jokes and asked even better questions.

hacía grandes bromas e incluso mejores preguntas.

I was kidding. - No, these are not jokes.

Estaba bromeando. - No, no son bromas.

I have had quite enough of his jokes.

He tenido suficiente de sus bromas.

Tom would often play jokes on the teacher.

Tom a menudo le hacía bromas al profesor.

I am fed up with his vulgar jokes.

- Estoy harta de sus bromas chabacanas.
- Estoy chata de sus bromas chabacanas.

I could not help laughing at his jokes.

- No pude evitar reírme de sus bromas.
- No podía evitar reírme de sus bromas.

Your personality quirks, and your stupid inside jokes.

tus peculiaridades de personalidad, y tus estúpidos chistes internos

- I'm very fond of joking.
- I love jokes.

Me encantan las bromas.

I didn't find any jokes in this book.

En este libro no encontré chiste alguno.