Translation of "Deprive" in Spanish

0.089 sec.

Examples of using "Deprive" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

This law will deprive us of our basic rights.

Esta ley nos privará de nuestros derechos básicos.

I'm not trying to deprive you of your rights.

No estoy tratando de privarte de tus derechos.

Uniforms deprive youths of an important choice: what to wear.

Los uniformes privan a los jóvenes de una importante elección: qué ponerse.

The new law will deprive religious minorities of their right to vote.

La nueva ley priva a las minorías religiosas de su derecho a votar.

They used to deprive us of water, or give us just one cup per day.

Solían no darnos agua o nos daban solo una taza de agua por día.

He was trying to deprive Pompey from his western coastal provinces and cut off the supply depos

Él estaba intentando privar a Pompey de sus provincias de la costa oeste y cortar los depósitos de suministros

To tell him what to do and when to do it, let alone willingly deprive himself of his

para decirle que hacer y cuando hacerlo, mucho menos privarse voluntariamente a si mismo de su