Translation of "Barbarian" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Barbarian" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- My level 9 barbarian has died.
- My level 9 barbarian has been killed.

Mi bárbaro de nivel 9 murió.

My level 9 barbarian has died.

Mi bárbaro de nivel 9 murió.

Look under the skin of a civilized man and you will find a barbarian.

Mira bajo la piel de un hombre civilizado y encontrarás a un bárbaro.

The general, without interrupting his speech, hit him on the head with his heavy ivory stick; the barbarian fell.

El general, sin interrumpir su discurso, le golpeó en la cabeza con su pesado bastón de marfil; y el bárbaro cayó.

The ownership of women begins in the lower barbarian stages of culture, apparently with the seizure of female captives. The original reason for the seizure and appropriation of women seems to have been their usefulness as trophies.

La apropiación de mujeres comienza en los estadios inferiores de la cultura bárbara aparentemente con la aprehensión de cautivas. La razón originaria de la captura y apropiación de mujeres parece haber sido su utilidad como trofeos.