Translation of "Fabulous" in Russian

0.052 sec.

Examples of using "Fabulous" in a sentence and their russian translations:

That was fabulous.

Это было потрясающе.

You look fabulous.

Выглядишь потрясающе.

You are fabulous.

Ты прекрасна.

You look fabulous in black.

Ты потрясающе выглядишь в черном.

The unicorn is a fabulous monster.

- Единорог - прекрасное и удивительное животное.
- Единорог - это прекрасный причудливый зверь.

- You're an amazing woman.
- You are a fabulous woman.

Ты удивительная женщина.

- You look fantastic.
- You look fabulous.
- You look great.
- You're looking great.
- You look fantastic!

- Ты выглядишь фантастически.
- Выглядишь фантастически.
- Выглядите фантастически.

"What a fabulous creation can a woman be compared with?" "With a triple-headed snake. She speaks one thing, thinks another, and does the third".

"С каким сказочным существом можно сравнить женщину?" — "С трёхглавым змеем. Она говорит одно, думает другое, а делает третье".

- Tom has done a wonderful job.
- Tom did a splendid job.
- Tom did a fabulous job.
- Tom did a wonderful job.
- Tom did an awesome job.

Том проделал блестящую работу.

- Wonderful!
- This is awesome.
- This is perfect.
- This is fabulous.
- This is fantastic.
- This is great.
- This is wonderful.
- This one's great.
- It is marvelous.
- It's wonderful.
- It's great.
