Translation of "Woods" in Portuguese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Woods" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Woods burn easily.

- Madeira queima fácil.
- As matas pegam fogo facilmente.

Birds abound in the woods.

Há muitos pássaros nessa floresta.

He's out of the woods.

Ele saiu da floresta.

Tom escaped into the woods.

Tom escapou para a floresta.

- Tom lost his way in the woods.
- Tom got lost in the woods.

Tom se perdeu no bosque.

Birds were singing in the woods.

Os pássaros estavam cantando na floresta.

Bamboo stands out in the woods.

Os bambus se destacam no bosque.

He lives alone in the woods.

Ele mora sozinho na floresta.

She was wandering in the woods.

Ela estava vagando no bosque.

I got lost in the woods.

- Eu me perdi na floresta.
- Me perdi na floresta.

The thieves hid in the woods.

Os ladrões se esconderam no bosque.

Tom was hiding in the woods.

Tom estava escondendo-se na floresta.

He went hunting in the woods.

Ele foi caçar no bosque.

Sami's dog disappeared in the woods.

O cachorro de Sami desapareceu na floresta.

Tom wasn't hiding in the woods.

Tom não estava se escondendo na floresta.

- No one is out of the woods yet.
- Nobody is out of the woods yet.

Ninguém está fora de perigo ainda.

Little girls are dancing in the woods.

Menininhas estão dançando no bosque.

The prince was lost in the woods.

O príncipe se perdeu na floresta.

I hid in the woods all day.

Eu me escondi na floresta durante todo o dia.

The children got lost in the woods.

As crianças se perderam na floresta.

Tom lost his way in the woods.

- Tom perdeu o caminho no bosque.
- Tom perdeu-se no bosque.
- Tom errou o caminho no bosque.

The dogs chased Tom through the woods.

Os cães perseguiram o Tom pelo bosque.

Yesterday we were biking in the woods.

Ontem estávamos andando de bicicleta na mata.

Be careful with fire in the woods.

Cuidado com o fogo no bosque.

The huntress followed it into the woods.

A caçadora o seguiu em direção ao bosque.

Tom spent all day in the woods.

Tom passou o dia todo na floresta.

- He got lost while he was walking in the woods.
- He got lost while walking in the woods.

Ele se perdeu enquanto andava no bosque.

- He got lost in the course of walking in the woods.
- He got lost while he was walking in the woods.
- He got lost while walking in the woods.

Ele se perdeu enquanto andava no bosque.

We searched the woods for the missing child.

Procuramos na floresta pelas crianças desaparecidas.

The man lost his way in the woods.

O homen se perdeu na floresta.

He found a dog abandoned in the woods.

Ele encontrou um cachorro abandonado no bosque.

Tom lives in our neck of the woods.

Tom mora numa região perto daqui.

Tom likes to take walks in the woods.

Tom gosta de dar passeios pelo bosque.

Robert is an oceanographer from Woods Hole Institute.

Robert é um oceanógrafo do Instituto Woods Hole.

The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.

A igreja é rodeada de florestas e lagos.

People were in the woods searching for Fadil.

As pessoas ficavam nas matas procurando por Fadil.

I found Tom's car abandoned in the woods.

Encontrei o carro de Tom abandonado na floresta.

We live on what we take from the woods.

Vivemos do que extraímos das matas.

I hid in the woods all behind Tom's house.

Eu me escondi na floresta atrás da casa do Tom.

One day she met a wolf in the woods.

Um dia ela encontrou um lobo no bosque.

Tom is out there in the woods by himself.

Tom está lá na floresta sozinho.

I got a lot of insect bites in the woods.

Eu ganhei um monte de picadas de insetos na floresta

He got lost while he was walking in the woods.

Ele se perdeu enquanto andava no bosque.

It's fun to go for a walk in the woods.

É divertido ir caminhar no bosque.

They will go to the woods to pick mushrooms, weather permitting.

Se o tempo deixar, eles irão ao bosque colher cogumelos.

The K-9 unit picked up Fadil's scent in the woods.

A unidade K-9 pegou o cheiro de Fadil na floresta.

Tom got lost in the woods, but found his way back.

Tom se perdeu na floresta, mas encontrou o caminho de volta.

Tom got lost in the woods and ended up in someone's backyard.

Tom se perdeu no mato e acabou no quintal de alguém.

- He lives in the forest alone.
- He lives alone in the woods.

Ele mora sozinho na floresta.

This is the first time I've ever parked my car in the woods.

É a primeira vez que eu estaciono meu carro no bosque.

If the weather permits, they will go and pick mushrooms in the woods.

Se o tempo deixar, eles irão ao bosque colher cogumelos.

[narrator] And don’t think just because you have antivenom you’re out of the woods.

E não penses que é só por causa da ausência de antídoto no meio do mato.

- I got lost in the forest.
- I lost my way in the woods.
- I lost my way in the forest.
- I got lost in the woods.
- I've got lost in the forest.

Eu me perdi na floresta.

Soon, crowned with woods, Zacynthos we espy, / Dulichium, Same and the rock-bound steep / of Neritos.

Zacinto nemorosa vai surgindo / à flor das águas, e Dulíquio e Same / e a penhascosa Nérito.

- I got lost in the forest.
- I lost my way in the woods.
- I lost my way in the forest.

Eu me perdi na floresta.

I really think the woods are just as lovely in winter as in summer. They're so white and still, as if they were asleep and dreaming pretty dreams.

Eu realmente acho que os bosques são tão adoráveis no inverno quanto no verão. São tão brancos e tranquilos, como se estivessem dormindo e tendo lindos sonhos.

So, when the tempest bursting wakes the war, / the justling winds in conflict rave and roar, / South, West and East upon his orient car, / the lashed woods howl, and with his trident hoar / Nereus in foam upheaves the watery floor.

Tal o embate dos ventos na tormenta / desencadeada: o Noto, o Zéfiro e, exultante, / o Euro, puxado por corcéis da Aurora; / ruge açoitada a mata e Nereu, numa nuvem / de espuma, se embravece e, brandindo o tridente, / desde a mor profundeza agita o mar.

"There, when at Cumae landing from the main, / Avernus' lakes and sounding woods ye gain, / thyself shalt see, within her rock-hewn shrine, / the frenzied prophetess, whose mystic strain / expounds the Fates, to leaves of trees consign / the notes and names that mark the oracles divine."

"Chegado a Cumas, com seus lagos santos, / Lucrino e Averno, circundados de florestas / sussurrantes, verás em delírio a Sibila, / no sopé de um rochedo, a predizer os fados, / em folhas de árvores as frases escrevendo."