Translation of "Unlawful" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Unlawful" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- I did nothing unlawful.
- I did nothing illegal.
- I didn't do anything illegal.

Não fiz nada fora da lei.

The sons of Jacob answered Sichem and his father deceitfully, being enraged at the deflowering of their sister: We cannot do what you demand, nor give our sister to one that is uncircumcised; which with us is unlawful and abominable.

Os filhos de Jacó, por causa do estupro de sua irmã Dina, responderam a Siquém e a seu pai Hamor de maneira maliciosa, nestes termos: Não podemos fazer uma coisa dessas, dando nossa irmã a um incircunciso, o que seria para nós uma afronta.

And when it was set on, for Joseph apart, and for his brethren apart, for the Egyptians also that ate with him apart, (for it is unlawful for the Egyptians to eat with the Hebrews, and they think such a feast profane):

Serviram o almoço a José numa mesa e aos seus irmãos em outra. E havia ainda outra mesa para os egípcios que estavam ali, pois estes consideravam sacrilégio comer junto com os israelitas.

And when Hemor the father of Sichem was come out to speak to Jacob, behold his sons came from the field: and hearing what had passed, they were exceeding angry, because he had done a foul thing in Israel, and committed an unlawful act, in ravishing Jacob's daughter.

Hamor, pai de Siquém, foi falar com Jacó. Quando os filhos de Jacó chegaram do campo e souberam do caso, ficaram indignados e furiosos, pois Siquém havia feito uma coisa vergonhosa em Israel, desonrando a filha de Jacó. Isso era inadmissível.