Translation of "Scrap" in Portuguese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Scrap" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

There irregularity there cheat scrap

há irregularidade lá trapacear sucata

The car was turned into scrap.

O carro virou sucata.

Do things like trick scrap robbery three papers

fazer coisas como roubo de sucata truque três papéis

Or we go into all of that rusty scrap pile.

Ou podemos tentar no monte de ferro-velho.

I wrote down his phone number on a scrap of paper.

Eu anotei o número de telefone dele num pedaço de papel.

We go up and into this tank? Or into the scrap pile?

Subimos e entramos no tanque? Ou vamos ao monte de ferro-velho?

He'll use every scrap of energy he has, flying several kilometers in one night.

Usará toda a sua energia para voar vários quilómetros numa noite.

- Please fetch me a piece of paper.
- Please get me a scrap of paper.

Por favor, traga-me um pedaço de papel.