Translation of "Sailing" in Portuguese

0.136 sec.

Examples of using "Sailing" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

I'm very good at sailing.

Eu sou muito bom em velejar.

Bad weather prevented them from sailing.

- O mau tempo os impediu de velejar.
- O mau tempo as impediu de velejar.

Trust me. It'll be plain sailing.

Acredite em mim. Tudo vai correr bem.

Tom and I went sailing together.

Tom e eu fomos velejar juntos.

Who did Tom go sailing with?

Com quem Tom foi navegar?

She came off sailing across the Pacific.

- Ela atravessou o Oceano Pacífico de barco.
- Ela saiu navegando através do Oceano Pacífico.

She left sailing across the Pacific Ocean.

Ela saiu navegando através do Oceano Pacífico.

Is it windy enough to go sailing?

Está ventando o suficiente para velejar?

A lone sailboat is sailing against the wind.

Um veleiro solitário está navegando contra o vento.

- If it is fine tomorrow, I will go sailing with my friends.
- If it's fine tomorrow, I'll go sailing with my friends.

- Se amanhã estiver bom, irei velejar com meus amigos.
- Se amanhã estiver bom, irei navegar com meus amigos.

It would be sailing with a ship named Apollo-11

Seria velejar com um navio chamado Apollo-11

After a brief interlude, Caesar decided to join the army once again and left Rome. While he was sailing across the sea, a group of pirates kidnapped him.

Após um breve intervalo, César decidiu engajar-se novamente no exército e deixou Roma. Quando realizava uma viagem por mar, foi sequestrado por um grupo de piratas.

- Juno then, as a suppliant, addressed him in these words: "Aeolus (for the father of the gods has granted you authority to calm the seas and to stir them up with the winds), a race hateful to me is sailing upon the Tyrrhenian sea, carrying Troy along with its conquered gods to Italy."
- Him now Saturnia sought, and thus in lowly strain: / "O AEolus, for Jove, of human kind / and Gods the sovran Sire, hath given to thee / to lull the waves and lift them with the wind, / a hateful people, enemies to me, / their ships are steering o'er the Tuscan sea, / bearing their Troy and vanquished gods away / to Italy."

A ele então, / humilde, Juno roga nestes termos: / “Ó Éolo (pois a ti o pai dos deuses / e rei dos homens deu a faculdade / de as ondas amansar e de encrespá-las / com o auxílio do vento), uma gente que odeio / no momento navega o mar Tirreno, / levando para a Itália Ílio vencida / e seus penates".