Translation of "Wealthy" in Polish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Wealthy" in a sentence and their polish translations:

She's quite wealthy.

Jest raczej bogata.

Tom is wealthy.

Tomek jest majętny.

- You're rich.
- You're wealthy.

Jesteś bogaty.

Sami was a wealthy guy.

Sami był bogatym facetem.

- Tom is rich.
- Tom is wealthy.

Tom jest bogaty.

He is as generous as wealthy.

Jest równie hojny co bogaty.

- You are rich.
- You're rich.
- You're wealthy.

Jesteś bogaty.

She became wealthy thanks to hard work.

Ona stała się bogata dzięki ciężkiej pracy.

- I'm rich.
- I'm wealthy.
- I am rich.

Jestem bogaty.

The wealthy family built another large house.

Ta bogata rodzina zbudowała jeszcze jeden wielki dom.

She comes from a small but wealthy town.

Ona przyszła z małego ale czystego miasta.

Since he is wealthy, he can do anything.

Ponieważ jest zamożny, może sobie na wszystko pozwolić.

I used to dream about becoming very wealthy.

Kiedyś marzyłem, by zostać bardzo bogaty.

He is wealthy in appearance but not in reality.

On wygląda na zamożnego, ale w istocie tak nie jest.

Today, rhino horns are seen as a status symbol for the wealthy.

Dziś są symbolem bogactwa.

- Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
- Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Chodź spać z kurami, wstawaj o brzasku, a będziesz zdrowy, bogaty i mądry.

Who are well-dressed and educated and wealthy and they can understand it

którzy są elegancko ubrani, wyedukowani, majętni i potrafią ją zrozumieć.

- The Van Horn family was in the chips.
- The Van Horn family was rich.
- The Van Horn family was wealthy.
- The Van Horn family was affluent.
- The Van Horn family was prosperous.
- The Van Horns are rich.

Rodzina Van Hornów była bogata.