Translation of "Anybody" in Polish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Anybody" in a sentence and their polish translations:

- Is anybody home?
- Is there anybody in the house?
- Anybody home?

Jest ktoś w domu ?

Anybody here?

Czy jest tu ktoś?

Anybody hurt?

Ktoś ranny?

- Is anybody home?
- Anybody home?
- Anyone home?

Jest ktoś w domu?

- Is there anybody here?
- Is anybody there?

Jest tam kto?

- Is anybody here?
- Is there anybody here?
- Anybody here?
- Is anyone here?

Jest tam kto?

Anybody in here?

Ktoś tu jest?

Has anybody come?

Czy ktoś przyszedł?

- Is anybody here?
- Is there anybody here?
- Is anyone here?

Jest tutaj ktoś ?

- Is anybody there?
- Is there anybody there?
- Is anyone there?

- Ktoś tam jest?
- Czy ktoś tam jest?

- Is anybody here?
- Anybody here?
- Anybody in here?
- Is there anyone in here?
- Is there anyone here?
- Is somebody here?
- Is anybody in here?

- Ktoś tu jest?
- Czy ktoś tu jest?

He didn't see anybody.

Nie widział nikogo.

Does anybody know him?

Czy ktoś go zna?

Is there anybody here?

Jest tam kto?

Hello, is anybody there?

- Cześć, jest tam ktoś ?
- Halo, jest tam kto?

Tom didn't kill anybody.

Tom nikogo nie zabił.

I don't have anybody.

Nie mam nikogo.

Can anybody hear me?

Czy ktoś mnie słyszy?

Does anybody need anything?

Czy ktoś czegoś potrzebuje?

- Ask anyone.
- Ask anybody.

- Spytaj kogoś.
- Poproś kogoś.

I couldn't find anybody.

Nie mogłem nikogo znaleźć.

I don't need anybody.

- Nikogo nie potrzebuję.
- Nie potrzebuję nikogo.

Anybody can do this.

Każdy to może zrobić.

Tom didn't shoot anybody.

Tom nikogo nie zastrzelił.

Anybody can do that.

Każdy to może zrobić.

You can't believe anybody.

Nie mogę nikomu wierzyć.

Do you see anybody?

Widzisz kogoś?

- Don't open the door for anybody.
- Don't open that door for anybody.

Nie otwieraj nikomu tych drzwi.

Don't let anybody see you.

Niech nikt cię nie zobaczy.

Did you see anybody there?

Widziałeś tam kogoś?

Is there anybody in there?

Jest tam ktokolwiek w środku ?

It can happen to anybody.

To może zdarzyć się każdemu.

Why isn't anybody doing anything?

Dlaczego nikt nic nie robi?

Does anybody here trust Tom?

Czy ktoś tutaj ufa Tomowi?

I don't see anybody inside.

Nie widzę nikogo w środku.

You don't owe anybody anything.

Nie jesteś nic winien nikomu.

I'm not scared of anybody.

Nikogo się nie boje.

Did anybody else notice this?

Czy ktokolwiek inny to zauważył?

I won't tell anybody else.

Nikomu innemu o tym nie powiem.

Why doesn't anybody help Tom?

Dlaczego nikt nie pomaga Tomowi?

It could have been anybody.

To mógł być każdy.

I've never seen anybody die.

Nigdy nie widziałem, jak ktoś umiera.

- Is anybody here?
- Anybody in here?
- Is there anyone here?
- Is anyone here?

Jest tu ktoś?

- I don't think Tom killed anybody.
- I don't think that Tom killed anybody.

Nie sądzę, żeby Tom kogoś zabił.

You don't owe that to anybody.

Nikomu nie jesteś tego winny.

- Anybody knows it.
- Everyone knows that.

Wszyscy to wiedzą.

Did anybody call on you yesterday?

Czy ktoś do Ciebie wczoraj dzwonił?

I'm here. Is there anybody home?

Jestem. Zastałem kogokolwiek w domu?

Does anybody here have a corkscrew?

Czy ktoś ma korkociąg?

- Don't tell anyone.
- Don't tell anybody.

Nie mów nikomu.

We can't let anybody else die.

Nie możemy pozwolić nikomu więcej umrzeć.

Tom doesn't want to hurt anybody.

Tom nie chce nikogo zranić.

Don't talk to anybody about this.

Nie mów o tym nikomu.

I don't usually wait for anybody.

Zazwyczaj na nikogo nie czekam.

I know him better than anybody.

Znam go lepiej niż ktokolwiek.

- Don't trust anyone.
- Don't trust anybody.

Nie ufajcie nikomu!

Has anybody here been to Hawaii?

Czy ktoś z państwa był na Hawajach?

Please don't tell anybody about this.

Proszę nie mów o tym nikomu.

Don't mention our plan to anybody.

Nie mów nikomu o naszym planie.

- Is somebody there?
- Is anybody there?

Jest tam ktoś?

Tom didn't tell anybody about it.

Tom nikomu o tym nie powiedział.

A little lie never hurt anybody.

Małe kłamstwo nigdy nikogo nie skrzywdziło.

Was there anybody in the car?

Czy ktoś siedział w samochodzie?

Aren't you seeing anybody right now?

Czy nie spotykasz się z kimś w tej chwili?

- Did anybody come?
- Did anyone come?

Przyszedł ktoś?

Mary helps anybody who asks her.

Mary pomaga każdemu, kto ją poprosi.

- I do not like wearing anybody else's clothes.
- I don't like wearing anybody else's clothes.

Nie lubię nosić cudzych ubrań.

- Is anybody here?
- Is somebody there?
- Anybody here?
- Anybody in here?
- Is there anyone here?
- Is anyone here?
- Is somebody here?
- Is someone there?
- Is anybody in here?
- Is anyone around?
- Is someone here?

Jest tu kto?

- Anyone can do that.
- Anybody can do that.
- Anyone can do it.
- Anybody can do this.

- Każdy może to zrobić.
- Każdy to może zrobić.

Was anybody here while I was out?

Czy był ktoś, jak mnie nie było?

I don't need you or anybody else.

Nie potrzebuję ciebie ani nikogo innego.

I wonder if anybody can help us.

Ciekawe, czy ktoś nam może pomóc.

I don't want to see anybody today.

Nie chcę dziś nikogo widzieć.

Is there anybody who knows first aid?

Czy ktoś tu zna się na pierwszej pomocy?

Tom likes you more than anybody else.

Tom lubi ciebie bardziej niż kogokolwiek.

Let's not tell anybody that we're married.

Nie mówmy nikomu, że jesteśmy małżeństwem.

Did anybody other than Jim see her?

Czy ktoś poza Jimem ją widział?

- Would anyone like some coffee?
- Would anybody like some coffee?
- Does anyone want coffee?
- Does anybody want coffee?

Czy ktoś chce kawę?

Anybody in this audience, if I ask you,

Jeśli poproszę teraz widownię

And I'd never met anybody else like me.

Nigdy wcześniej nie spotkałem kogoś takiego jak ja.

- I don't see anybody.
- I don't see anyone.

Nikogo nie widzę.

- Anyone can do that.
- Anybody can do that.

Każdy może to zrobić.

Is there anybody who can drive a car?

Czy jest ktoś z prawem jazdy?

I do not like wearing anybody else's clothes.

Nie lubię nosić cudzych ubrań.